Closed minds won't let nothing in!


Opening your minds is like opening doors, "Fresh 


                                                                Ybe anything other than 1's Self?


I am a reflection of you and nature, You are a reflection of me and nature,
Nature is a reflection of the Most High and you and I

As we go about our daily routine, we reflect sometimes on the pass.  We reflect on the moment.  We even reflect on the future.  We discover that everything is an intricate part of that reflection, the same as when you peer into a mirror.  You not only see yourself you see what is within the frame of that mirror.  When you look into the reflection of water or a glass or a shiny object you see not only yourself but you see all the differences that you may have and you realize that you have the opportunity to see them right, because your mind tells you that this is not the way it really is but the way it can become if you yield to the direct opposite of what really is.  Your beauty lies not in what you see, but what you know about yourself that makes you love and be loved.
Ybe anything other than 1's self?

Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror (Official Video)

Family: Dreamgirls Soundtrack

                                    WE ARE A FAMILY

Entrepreneurial Mindset

Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur and do not understand the meaning of what is an entrepreneur.  There are great responsibilities in becoming an entrepreneur and maintaining that status.  You have to be able to establish, organize and design a business in order to operate your goods or services.  It is a process when you undertake to create, launch and run a business, usually starting off with a fairly small business.  When you conduct this protocol you are considered an entrepreneur.

One of the first things you would want to do is to decide what it is in goods or service that you want to introduce or reintroduce into the public sector.  If is shoes you want to sell, it would be a wise decision to know your product, your consumer base and location.  Study the market, learn what is needed, wanted and desired.  Is your product a fad, or a necessity?  Is it seasonal or yearly?  Will consumers reference your product or service to others?  Is is priced right? What is your investment?  Location is important also, will you have a store front, online, mail-order etc.  Where will you continually get your products from or if you create and make them yourself, can you keep up with the supply and demand?  Your accounting is very important, are you ready for the obligation of record keeping, not to mention, taxes and who to meet that obligation upon being an "entrepreneur".

To be an entrepreneur, there is financial risk and you must understand that it requires DD (due diligence) to venture into the world of owning and operating your business.  In this field you have to decide if you are a true leader or a manager.  True Leaders set the precedence, Managers, manage.  Which are you.  True leaders not only lead but are able to manage their operations.  Managers can manage but are they true leaders?  

 Below is some enlighten CEO's that give their insight into being an entrepreneur.  Read their words and  research further to know if you are that entrepreneur ready to bloom into a work of art and an art of work to put your product or service out into the world for the supply and demand from the consumer and the financial freedom for yourself!  Be prepared for challenges, failures and success because they all go hand in hand.  You must most importantly have the patience and endurance to stay the course and remember "Rome was not built in a day".  Get familiar with successful people, and surround yourself with like minded people that seek the same success that you seek.  Never be afraid to ask questions, for answers will follow.

We here: Work from Home Moms Making Money are dedicated to help get the information to you in how you can conduct your business from home and will try to answer any questions you might have and even will help direct you in the right direction for any endeavor you might have.  Don't hesitate to leave your email and we will get back with you with those answers or point of direction to give you a chance to become what you always wanted to do but couldn't especially from home!

Ybe anything other than 1's self?

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