I am a reflection of you and nature, You are a reflection of me and nature,
Nature is a reflection of the Most High and you and I

As we go about our daily routine, we reflect sometimes on the pass.  We reflect on the moment.  We even reflect on the future.  We discover that everything is an intricate part of that reflection, the same as when you peer into a mirror.  You not only see yourself you see what is within the frame of that mirror.  When you look into the reflection of water or a glass or a shiny object you see not only yourself but you see all the differences that you may have and you realize that you have the opportunity to see them right, because your mind tells you that this is not the way it really is but the way it can become if you yield to the direct opposite of what really is.  Your beauty lies not in what you see, but what you know about yourself that makes you love and be loved.
Ybe anything other than 1's self?

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