Deep-Fried Corn On The Cob! (In the Cajun Fryer)

Cooking with Shotgun Red

Bayou Classic 700-701 4-Gallon Bayou Fryer Stainless Steel

8 Uncomplicated Ways You Can Change Someone's Life For The Better

8 Uncomplicated Ways You Can Change Someone's Life For The Better

Giving is hands-down the most impeccable feeling in the world; it's a feeling that soothes others, as well as ourselves.
It has the power to change lives; there is no measure to how much can be given. It's possible to give everything. Love can be a present. A smile can be a present. It’s important to appreciate the little things in life. We tend to get so hung up on the material things, we lose sight of our purpose.
If money isn’t a worry in your life and you can afford most things, share the love. If you can barely afford to feed yourself, still, share the love.
No one has ever become poor by giving. – Anne Frank
Think about the hardships Anne Frank experienced; her statement clearly exemplifies what a great value she places on giving.
My point here is we all possess the power to give, regardless of our financial circumstances.
Life can get tough and throw random curve balls we don’t expect, but all we need to remember is we’re alive today. We’re intricate human beings who need to appreciate the world we have.
Giving is rather simple. There’s beauty in simplicity, especially when it involves the simple, little things you can do to make someone smile.
Aren’t we all fans of joy and laughter? Giving will help the heart prosper.

Smile at someone — anyone.

I make a point to do this every single day. I do it because it’s so liberating to know a smile has the power to turn someone’s day into a miracle. I have done this countless times in my life and the expression that rushes across a person’s face is priceless.
Specifically, I tend to do this wherever I’m considered a customer or consumer. Whether I’m at a restaurant, a doctor’s office, a grocery store or even in a different country, I smile at whomever gives me his or her service.
Make the person's day a little brighter. Let him or her know that he or she is appreciated.
Who doesn’t love to be appreciated?
So many people make the mistake of complaining because of poor service, but we need to realize maybe, that person was just having a horrible day. Do good and provide the strength to make someone's day better by exchanging a simple smile.

Buy a stranger’s meal or coffee — pay it forward.

I do this every once in a while when I feel the urge. I specifically remember a time when I did this at the Starbucks drive-thru.
Literally, a week later, I was in line, with my backpack, at a bakery ordering some lunch. The cashier asked me if I wanted a drink. I simply asked how much, just in case I thought a soda might be worth it that day. I try not to drink Diet Coke, even though I’m obsessed with it.
I ended up sticking with water.
I sat down and began to eat my food. Randomly, a lady standing behind me in line walked up to the table I was sitting at and said, “Hey, I remember what it was like to be a broke college student,” and then, she handed me a cup.
I couldn’t believe she knew exactly what was going through my mind, let alone the fact that she bought me a drink.
I realized that day, karma does exist. What goes around comes around.

Give when it hasn’t been asked for; there’s a reason we have two hands.

People tend to notice your true intentions the most when you offer a helping hand without ever having to say a word. Think to yourself, how can I help right now? Is there anything I could do to make someone's life a tad bit easier in the moment?
There is always plenty to be offered. If you’re invited to a party, always ask if there’s anything you can bring; I can offer one of my better tips from experience. People will be astounded you’re willing to contribute. It’s very rare these days.
Maybe you drank all the booze last weekend. Now, it’s your turn to provide the turn-up juice.

Believe in the ability to make a difference. We are all walking on the same planet, after all.

In a sense, we are all the same. Yes, we’re all extremely different, according to genetics and the way we’re born, but realistically, we are capable of anything. Remember, anything is possible.

Have faith and believe in someone’s dreams.

I can’t stress this one enough. Give faith. Let people know they ARE worth it, no matter what they’ve been through. Let them know they can achieve their wildest dreams. Show them what has worked for you.
Today, people are often clouded by the fear of thinking they aren’t good enough. Why is that? What has influenced them to think this way?
If you have more faith than you’re ever expected to have, your faith will eventually rub off on people. It will shine like a star. They will begin to recognize they’re just as important as anybody else walking on the soil of this earth.
May your wildest dreams come true because people had faith in who you are and what you want.

Compliment from the heart and be real. If you don’t mean it, don’t say it.

If you’re going to give a compliment, make sure it’s real and coming from what you truly think. It doesn’t make any sense to give a compliment if you don’t mean it. You’re better off not even trying to give a compliment if it will come across as fake.
People love being complimented. It makes them feel noticed, and sometimes, it can even make someone feel like a million bucks. I know I live for compliments. It’s gratifying to know someone is thinking about how good you look or how cool you are.
Give compliments. Accept compliments. However, don’t let your ego explode.

Let go of grudges and forgive.

One of the most profound lessons I’ve ever learned had to do with forgiveness.
Set yourself free and give others the chance to set themselves free, too. Realize there are bigger issues floating around in the world, and it’s pointless to waste your time holding grudges.


Give your undivided attention to someone else. Listen to him or her and show you care. When a friend is sick, bring him or her a treat. Offer positive advice. Give others your honesty. Give them your trust.
Give others the pleasure of knowing how trustworthy you are and show that you will always remain true to yourself. If you treat this ability as a gift, other people will believe it is possible for them, as well.
Give chances and second chances. Even third chances, too, but keep in mind that if someone has already done something once, there’s a good chance it will happen again. In these instances, it’s probably time to realize it might be a good idea to remove this person from your everyday life.
The most important thing to remember in life is to give. When you give, do it from your heart. Don’t expect anything in return because you will more than likely be let down.

Pete Belasco - Deeper (Smooth Jazz Gold)


Wake Up

Peace and Blessings !

Live by Choice Not by Chance

Sing a sweet song

French Restaurant - Key & Peele

Positivity is a Choice

Fake Love - Drake │EriAm Cover (ft. Donny V)

Drink Jin +Ja !

Jin-Ja Original Fresh Ginger Green Tea Drink in 4x Concentrate - 750ml, 2 Pack

About the product

  • All Natural Ingredients: 4x the amount of Fresh Ginger, Cayenne Pepper, Lemon, Green Tea & Mint
  • 750ml 4x Drink Concentrate - 25 servings per bottle
  • A natural metabolism booster, as recommended by the CBS show The Doctors
  • Invigorates while containing less than 1/200th of caffeine level of a cup of coffee
  • Can be mixed with 3 parts of water to get the same taste and level of spice as the original Jin-Ja Dragon Fruit

Nothing Will Change Unless YOU Change - Motivational Video

10 Simple Steps to Make the Most of Every Day

10 Simple Steps to Make the Most of Every Day WRITTEN by JOSHUA BECKER · 

 Each day is an important gift. 

Here are 10 ways to make the most of them. “Success in life is founded upon attention to the small things rather than to the large things.” – Booker T. Washington

 Our lives are a large collection of single days one right after the other. The sun rises, the sun sets, and it rises again. And in the end, the lives we chose to live will be determined by how we choose to spend each day. Unfortunately, for most of my life, I embraced little intentionality in my days. I survived each new day, but made little effort to make the most of it. Instead, they simply just came and went… and many were wasted. But over the past few years, my views have changed. I have begun to view each day as an important gift. I have sought to embrace each one individually and discover the potential that it holds. After all, some may get more days than others, but each of us have been given this one. And we ought to be making the most of it.

 Here are 10 simple steps I have personally found helpful to make the most of every day:
 1. Rise early. It was this article about becoming an early riser that motivated me to make this significant change in my sleeping habits. And I’ve never looked back. Early mornings are quiet, peaceful, productive, energizing… and my favorite part of the day.
 2. Eat right. The food we put into our bodies becomes the fuel on which it runs. We are wise to make sure it is the right kind of fuel at every meal. Just be sure to include some protein in your breakfast, your mind will be sharper and clearer because of it.
 3. Exercise. According to recent studies, people who exercise regularly report to be happier, calmer, and better equipped to handle whatever the day decides to throw at them. Interestingly enough, the study seemed to indicate these benefits were experienced on a day-to-day basis, which means you can begin to experience them today by choosing to exercise just 20 minutes.
 4. Accomplish one big task. We all have projects, work, and requirements for our time – things that we need to accomplish. Likely, your to-do list is longer than you can accomplish in one day. But to make the most of this day, choose one big thing on your list and do it first. If you finish, move on to the next.
 5. Do one thing that you love. Apart from the day-to-day requirements of living life, you have dreams, goals, and hopes. You have hobbies that you love and activities that breathe life into who you are. Embrace these life-giving opportunities. And do one thing every day that you love. 6. Rest effectively. Rest is as essential to our bodies as food and water and air. Our bodies need to be refreshed on a daily basis and a weekly basis. Don’t neglect to schedule rest. And don’t feel guilty about it when you do. 
 7. Be present with others. Put away distractions. Engage in conversation. Ask questions. Give time for answers. And look people in the eye when you do. Their eyes reveal far more than their words. 
 8. Give to someone else. Your fullest joy in life will not be found living it selfishly for yourself. Rather, the periods of greatest joy and fulfillment are found in the moments and motivations when we are choosing to give to others. Invest your life in someone else everyday. Mentor a child. Help a co-worker. Fund a local charity. Or just make that phone call to a friend who needs to hear from you.
 9 Nurture your soul. Our lives are more than flesh and blood. They are also mind and heart and soul. Find time each day to feed your soul by embracing gratitude, laughter, hope, and faith. 
 10. Reset. Tomorrow is another day with great potential and opportunity. You’ll want to begin it with a clear slate and a fresh start. Take 10 minutes each evening to clear the clutter and refresh your home for the next day. Tomorrow’s self will thank you for it. Today is among the greatest gifts we have ever been given. Let’s use it wisely and refuse to waste a single one.

Time to Thrive

Hold your own keys

Be Bold

Make that change

Make An Impact - Inspirational Video

Make An Impact

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"The Office for Victims of Crime, a part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, seeks to enhance victims’ rights and services for all victims across the United States. The Office for Victims of Crime offers a wealth of resources for the crime victims field, including publications, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and more."