I care!

I Care!

I am reaching my hand out to you because I care.
I am telling you that the sun it's shining on you because I care.
I speak to you with the voice of the wind, because I care.
I extend my love to you because I care.  

Grab my hand and we can discover what peace is.
Take my very energy and blend it with yours to be one with each other.
Shout out to the world that we are here at this moment sharing that light!
We are the very beauty of the world in due time!

I'm listening to you from all my soul because I care.
I am touching the sparks you send my way because I care.
I'm stretching my being to you from within because I care.
I humble myself to you because I care.

There is no one like you in this time and space.
We melt the emotion that has ruin the moment and secured the past.
We give thanks to the vision of the future long awaited.
We cry to the sea for relief of the storm.
We are the living that has not fail.

I Care about you as you are about me.  Now we must pass it on!

YBe anything other than 1's self?



We are happy to announce that blankets and tents and socks and personal items are coming in to help the homeless people in our city.  The outreach from the neighbors is tremendous and very helpful in being able to give where giving is needed.  We have backpacks on the way and clothing like coats and hats and gloves are still needed.   

We will feature the organizations that we will give these items to.  One organization, The Lost Sheep is working with the homeless people that live under the underpass of our city.  That is where the blankets and tents will come in handy.  

We would like to take time out to give a special thanks to Mr. Joe for the many blankets he donated and to Ms. Pam a wonderful woman that took time out of her busy schedule to collect blankets, tents and socks for the needy.  We thank them and ask that you say a special prayer for them for reaching out in a time like these.  

We had set aside a time for an elderly woman that was living on the streets in the Breckenridge area but have not seen her around for a while.  Hopefully she is in out of the cold and we will continue to check to see if she resurfaces.  

To all those who want to give you can contact me at 502.495.3322  and/or  https://www.omgohmygoodnesssharingcaringshowinglove.com/  if you are unable just your prayers and your thought will help also.  

This forum has just begun and we know we got a long way to go and many people to help so we appreciate your tuning in and keeping up with what we are doing.  If you have anything you would like to post on this site, please reach out to us.

Remember Oh My Goodness sharing and caring and showing love is what makes the world remain balanced!

OMG member
Ima Yahruth (YBe)
YBe anything other than 1's self?

The Night I Dreamed part II

The Night I "Dreamed!"
Part II

In the dark closet there sat the safe among other items so I grabbed it and pull it out of the closet.  I peer at the safe and realize that is had a antique like combination lock on it.  I knew that I would probably never be able to open with it without that combination to it and I knew it because it will more than likely be hard to find.  I looked at the safe, it was an old type style design safe.  Maybe from the 20's or 30's era.  This safe had that cast iron look, minus the black, being silver in color.  It's lock was a catch 22 and the handle on it was like a wind up for a music box.                                                                                        
I knew I had to figure out how to get into this safe, thinking that there might be some great things in there and maybe a will that know one thinks exist.  I managed to get the safe in my car and as I return back into the house, I heard a loud scream.  I ran upstairs toward the noise which was coming from the room I had been in previously before I ended up downstairs in the dark closet pulling out the old antique safe.  

The scream was from one of the women, she was covered in small birds of various shades and colors.  It looked to be approximately twenty to thirty little birds all on her.  The other women were too afraid to help her and ran out the door.  

I was trying to figure out how to help the woman as I was approaching her, but I got entangled in some clothes that were piled next to her.  She was screaming at the top of her lungs because these little bird like creatures were crawling all over her and pecking at her furiously.  I than realize that  I should pick up a piece of clothing and try to dust the birds off her.  

To my surprise as I swung the article of clothing at her, the birds jump on it.  It seem rather odd because all twenty or thirty birds landed on the cloth all at the same time, not a bird was left on her.  The woman ran out the door as quick as I could blink.  I was left alone in the room with these little creatures.  As I glanced at my surroundings my eyes locked in on the bigger stone bird that produce those other birds and it was in a corner of the room.  I froze in my tracks, with the cloth in my hand full of little bird creatures and the stone bird looking at me.   That flight or fight syndrome took center stage in my mind and I decided to place the cloth on the floor not far from the stone bird and was walking backwards headed to the door.  

To my surprise the stone bird jumped on the cloth and the other little birds became one with it.  They all emerge together as one.  I found this to be amazing in my dream.  To mean it showed unity but what did all of this really mean?

The room that I was in was huge and colorful but plain.  The pile of items and the purse I took a liking too were still on the floor near a vase with flowers drooping for attention and maybe some water.  The huge double wooden doors were closed and I knew I had to vacate but first i grabbed my pile of things and ran out the room.  

I thought about the different things I had taken along with the safe in the car and figured I didn't need anything else.  I proceeded to leave the premise and go home.   The strange was the other women and men that were in the house beside myself were no where to be seen.  Hmmmmm that was rather odd.  I just figured maybe they were in another part of the house.  I didn't stop to check.

I arrived home and put the clothes and purse in my house and proceeded to get the safe out of the car.  How was I going to open it, what would I use, seeing that it was made of heavy duty material, you know that cast iron material.  

I still had my mind on that stone bird and those other little bird like creatures.  Why did they manifest themselves and attack that lady.  How could they come from that stone bird into existence?  I just didn't understand this very unusual dream.  I thought as I was looking at the safe in my dream what could possibly be in it.  What I needed to do was to figure out how to get in it.  I called up a friend and asked him that question of how to get in a cast iron, heavy duty, old antique safe.  He was silent on the other end and than he mention that it would be better if he stopped by to look at it and maybe he could help me from there.

That evening my friend whom I will call Mr. X because in my dream he had no name nor identity, just a friend rung the doorbell and I open the door for him.  Mr. X notice the funny shaped, most certainly heavy old safe in the middle of my living-room floor.  He walked up to and around it and was saying thing to himself, I guess in figuring out how to get in it.  I told him that the person whom own the safe past away and that she had no will.  I also mention the caution of opening the safe because I remember the other women saying that the woman that die was in to voodoo.  He laughed and said he didn't believe such nonsense.  I too would have agreed with it being nonsense but I was a witness to the stone bird's animation and the little bird like creatures that came from it.  Of course I didn't tell Mr. X about them.  

He told he had some tools in the car and he would be right back.  Mr. X pull out a bag of tools and began to work on the safe.  In the meantime I was feeling rather energize and wanted look at the clothes I had gotten from the lady's house.  The purse was calling my name per say.  I picked it up and looked inside and what do you think I saw?  Yes that stone bird in there all by it self.  I remembered that the purse was very deep but how was I able to see the bird so close.  The stone bird did not move, it was that very stone I saw in the showcase in the living-room of that lady's house.  

Mr. X finally got the safe open after four hours of work, and I was so excited to see what was in the safe.  When we open the door we got the biggest surprise of our life.  I was truly overwhelmed and so was Mr. X.

Coming soon.................part III of the story "The Night I "Dreamed!"

In life our dreams can reveal a lot about who we are as individuals on this earth plane and it can be a revelation of some sort for that living soul or for them to reveal something to others.  I could feel the importance of the bird as it kept appearing everywhere.  The other facets of the bird no longer are identified because they had unified with the stone bird back at the other house, so in essence this unity is expressing itself as a totality of the subject matter at hand in what this bird of unity was expressing in the dream. 

Dreams can be revealing or revolutionary in nature but also dreams can be whimsical to the point of ciphering out the needed information to maintain within or to generate the knowledge to pass on to any recipient it was created for.  

I get dreams you don't have to take seriously but on the other hand The night I dreamed, it was a reality that I can't shake and I must find out why.  That need to know motivated me to continue to remember the dream and to put together the pieces to the puzzle of an abstract dream for me and for others.  

I have this strong sense of urgency to project to others the very value of our actions and our thoughts.  That longing for something greater to guide our lives is within each and everyone of us.  We just need to listen to that voice and continue down the path that is in unison of a higher force.

YBe anything other than 1's self?  

The Night I "D

Check phone

Check your phone!

YBe anything other than 1's self?

Necessity Really IS the Mother of Invention!

 Meet Razonda Lee
Owner, Creator, Designer 

I am Razonda Lee and I make unique crochet accessories and beautiful loc jewelry. I am a one woman show. I make everything by hand and take much pride in every piece that I create. I love what I do.


Americans With Disability Act "ADA"

Written by YBe anything other than 1's self?

Don't Tread on my disability!

You might not know me and I might not know you, but it does not give you or anyone the right to judge me for being the way that I am.  "Disabled!"  My age is unknown, my looks are unseen, my hurt is unnoticeable but I am you!  Maybe not now but somewhere in the future you may become like me, which gives the reason for you to not tread on me and my disability. 

In 1990 the Americans With Disability Act was signed into law!  Actually it became a law and it is considered a civil rights law at that.  Which means that "no one" can discriminate against anyone with a disability.  Not in the store, the courts, the hospital, on your job, in government, in the political arena, your schools, on a public transportation, at your home, in a apartment complex, and according to this law, "public or private places that are open to the general public!"

My husband and I live in a very prominent apartment complex considered to be like private homes even though they have so many units per building.  In these complex there are some handicap sign for those who need them.  When we moved in the apartment that we occupy, there were only two handicap spots which were taken when we came to the complex.  Even though we need a place up close to the apartment, we respected the tenants that were there before us, so we didn't park in those two spots.  

What we decided to do and which is covered under the law was to request another handicap sign to be erected just for us.  We did that and of course people did not respect that newly placed sign which said "reserved parking handicap."  Even the people that used the other two signs repetitiously decided they were going to take our spot!  

I begun to knock on doors and asked them to move their car because it was a handicap signs and that my husband and I had requested that sign and that spot.  We even paid for a pole for it to be on, because the complex was having a time putting the sign up, claiming that they could not find a proper pole.  I went to Home Depot and purchased a pole.  It cost us $30.00.  I emphasize that to the people when I asked them to move their vehicle.  I told them we paid for that sign, literally.  We paid for that sign not only with purchasing the pole but also with our service to the workforce.  We worked and earn the right to have the benefits that come with being diagnose with a disability.  

What I think baffled the people where we lived was that we might have not looked disable to them because we take care of ourselves the best we can.  We are blessed to not necessary look the part of being disable and that is where the law protects disabled people.  Today's world thinks you are suppose to be totally incapacitated, which there are many people that are.  But there is that category where there are many people that have disabilities that might not be noticeable but have been awarded their disability not only through the disability/Social Security office, but also through the courts.  Their cases were reviewed, judged and awarded.  They became a recipient under the ADA.  That means you can't tread on me or my disabilities that I have. 

I finally got people to stop parking in my spot and letting their visitors to do the same.  The apartment complex like a lot of complexes do not enforce that handicap law, not realizing that they could be sued if they do not provide accommodation for the handicapped and disable under the ADA law.  A year later the people that preoccupied the two handicap spots moved.  Now anyone and everyone parks in those two spots, even though no one else in our building needs them.  It Is Still Against The Law!!!

Another incident was in the same complex in the front  part of where we live.  There was actually a woman that was wheel chair bound and this man that had a humongous truck would always part in her spot.  He just didn't give a hoot about this disabled woman in a wheelchair.  The manager would tell him to stop it, but he still would do it.  Finally the law was called on him and he found out the "fine" was greater than his disrespect.  

You see the sole purpose of this ADA act was signed into law to make sure that anyone like me with a disability has the same rights, protections and opportunities as anyone else.  If this didn't happen, we would get treaded on constantly.  

In this world, because people just don't care anymore, there have been violations of the law in public facilities, on peoples jobs, from all sectors of government that provide services, state and local, even in radio and television and social media.  This created a need to amend the ADA to the "Americans With Disabilities Act Amendment Act" ADAAA.  You would think that there would be no need to do this because most people knew or had someone that was disabled!  It was signed into law in 2008 but was effective in 2009.

There were great changes which pertain to a division of the ADA Act into five titles or sections of the Act, will list but not put emphasizes on them except for one "title 5"of the act, you can look up that Amendment Act of the ADA and these titles.  This law was to help with clarity the scope of different areas of public life including private entities that operated or were located in the public and were classified under public places of accommodation. 

  1. Title 1 (Employment)
  2. Title 11 (State and Local Government)
  3. Title 111 (Public Accommodations)
  4. Title VI (Telecommunications)
  5. Title V (Miscellaneous Provisions) This one sticks out because it will cover everything else that is not included in the four titles above.  This final title contains a wide range of provisions that relate to the ADA.  It provides a connection to other laws creating a relationship, state immunity, its impact on insurance providers and benefits, prohibition against retaliation and coercion, illegal use of drugs, and attorney’s fees.  There are also certain conditions under this title that are accepted as disabilities.  Please research and check out all the titles.  
The conclusion is that there are laws for those that are disabled and it applies to everyone.  From government to private business operating in public.  There also are exclusion that you need to go read.  Below are a few sites to check out.

I would like to mention one last thing, to all those who are taking advantage of the disabled, the time will come when you will be held accountable for your ignorance of the law, which is no excuse and this is to all corporations big and small and any individual or groups that feel they can tread on our disabilities!  

* side note: Disability has categories such as, Theory and Models, Education, Therapy, Societal Implications, Personal Assistance, Socioeconomic Assistance, Groups - Organizations, Disabled Sports and Culture.

YBe anything other than 1's self?

Wall Free not Wall Street!

Wall Free Not Wall Street

There is so much going on in the world right now that we just need to stop and take a break from all of those things and contemplate on how we can make a difference not only in our lives but those in which are a part of our everyday world and those who are in our communities and those who are in our cities, states and country.

Most people are lost in their own reality that they really do not think that they can make a difference in this overall life, we call existence.  

Everywhere you go you hear many talk about the current issues that keeps us chain and bound by the system and the conformity is high among the people in yielding to that very system.  

What happen to the times when you stood up and claim your spot in this whirlwind of chaos.  Spoke your mind and the truth and made a example of what you knew. Where is the courage, where is the strength in the people.  Everyday there is a lot to see, a lot to take in.  Times have change and so have we.  We are all just observers and not partakers in this glorious ride.  We just sit back and stare into a tube, laugh sometimes, cry a lot and wonder so many times what can we do.  

There are those who are against us to the max.  We are considered the very ones they must keep tabs on.  What can we do, where can we go, how can we function in a world where it is totally against what we believe to be just.  Do we keep doing what we are doing?  Sitting behind a portal of a screen and pretend it's all good and be joyous that it is not part of our world.   

We read many books on many things, but can we trust what the
media, writers, and authors have wrote about all through history.  We debate with others on many topics, and become friends, followers or foes at the end of the day.  What are we as a people in this world to do.  Our very lives depend on how we will accept this current trend of deceit.

What about our offspring and what they will do when they reach that plateau of living like we have?  Will they continue this consent or will they descend into a moral corruption never known before?  The rules of living have change drastically.  The game that is being played is for keeps now, for people are not only changing their once rational lifestyle but are changing their bodies.

What are our babies going to do with themselves with all of this new found freedom of being what you think you should be and no one can question your judgement for sake of being prejudice. Morals have began to haul off to the junk yard, to be covered over never to resurface until another century.

Can all of this be changed around, of course it can and it will.  But first we must know where we stand and what we stand for.  If we continue to believe that our world is not a part of the whole world and that we are solely in this on our own, then it is going to take a while and a lot of heartaches to mankind before we finally get it right.

YBe anything other than 1's self?

Facebook’s privacy woes have a price tag: $3 billion or more




Referral code>   https://www.wish.com/refer


18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law

18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law

§246. Deprivation of relief benefits


Disability harassment is against the Law .

It is important to remember that in the context of the ADA, “disability” is a legal term rather than a medical one. Because it has a legal definition, the ADA’s definition of disability is different from how disability is defined under some other laws, such as for Social Security Disability related benefits.
The ADA defines a person with a disability as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity. This includes people who have a record of such an impairment, even if they do not currently have a disability. It also includes individuals who do not have a disability but are regarded as having a disability. The ADA also makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person based on that person’s association with a person with a disability. It's also illegal to harass or mistreat a person with or suspected of having such disability . 

Racism and Health

Racism  can affect your Health 

Racism structures opportunity and assigns value based on how a person looks. The result: conditions that unfairly advantage some and unfairly disadvantage others. Racism hurts the health of our nation by preventing some people the opportunity to attain their highest level of health.  read more : Racism and Health


Image result for trouble saying i'm sorry

Walk by Faith

Image result for faith quotes

Place of worship initiative

 It is against the law to >
  • Place unjustifiable burdens on religious exercise;
  • Treat religious assemblies and institutions worse than nonreligious assemblies and institutions; 
  • Discriminate against religious assemblies or institutions based on religion or religious denomination; or
  • Totally or unreasonably exclude religious assemblies and institutions from a particular municipality or county.

Positive Vibrations only

                                            Raise Yours 


Best Motivational Speech Compilation EVER #13 - I AM | 30-Minutes of the...


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Justice Department Commemorates 10th Anniversary of Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention Act

Announces New Technical Assistance Resources for Hate Crimes Enforcement and Prevention, Releases Updated Prosecution Statistics


A Queen!

If you are that woman, you are a queen!

YBe anything other than 1's self?

Life is much more simpler than one thinks.  We believe otherwise because we have been enveloped in the many stressors that occupy life each day.  From the media to the internet to our jobs to the comfort of our homes, going and coming, prices of this and that, education, children, the weather, fiances, we could go on and on about the so called many stresses that stress the people constantly! 

When I write, I select and design my writings and visuals precisely to let others know through my writings the positive qualities of life and the beauty of all things no matter what it is.  Many are finding each and everyday, life to be hectic and it doesn't have to be so.  

Life is as simple as ABC-123 when you separate your needs, wants and expectations.  I realize this is how those who are in power can subdue us into things that are not in line with our lifestyle, by what they know as urges and needs of the people.  If something is put before the people and you are told you need it and are not told why you need it and you rush to acquire it, it becomes a cognitive stressors in our lives.  We become fearful that if we don't get it or have it we are missing out.  We become perplexed with our lives.  We get anxious and overly fearful that really amounts to nothing after the storm passes and we are able to see much more clearly 

It has been mentioned and stated that there are 8 cognitive skills we engage in:  

Cognitive Skills: Why The 8 Core Cognitive Capacities
  • Sustained Attention. ...
  • Response Inhibition. ...
  • Speed of Information Processing. ...
  • Cognitive Flexibility and Control. ...
  • Multiple Simultaneous Attention. ...
  • Working Memory. ...
  • Category Formation. ...
  • Pattern Recognition.

Are you stress, why?

In the process of our ability to sustained our attention to pattern recognition, we still have stressors that might impair some or all of those mention above.  Below is life's most stressful situations according to Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale:

The 10 "Most" Stressful life events are:
  1. Death of a spouse (or child*): 100
  2. Divorce: 73
  3. Marital separation: 65
  4. Imprisonment: 63
  5. Death of a close family member: 63
  6. Personal injury or illness: 53
  7. Marriage: 50
  8. Dismissal from work: 47
  9. Marital reconciliation: 45
  10. Retirement: 45
Most of us if not all  will experience some of these stressors.  But it can become so stressful to the point that you can become sick

If you check off what has happen in your life from the  list above and add the numbers than compare it to this chart will give you an idea what you are going through and how it is affecting you and your body.  
  • 80% likelihood of illness for scores over 300
  • 50% likelihood of illness for scores between 150-299
  • 30% likelihood of illness for scores less than 150
I believe that an open mind and an open heart to the challenges of life are a gateway for growth, experiences and should not be wholeheartedly overwhelming because we can't control what is not in our power to control.  Although how we think according to many motivational and spiritual teachers, scientists and many others seem to mold our environment.  I can't without a doubt tell someone how they must grieve or how they will react if they loose a job, or become financially at a hardship etc.  But I can say that if we reprogram how we react to life's constant challenges we would save ourselves a lot of physical pain and depression would be much lower.  

What I mean is if you are as old as I am than you have been through some things, but what I learned in my youthful days, were preparing me for the times like death, fiances, jobs, children, home, responsibility etc.  We all know that some of these things like this will confront us without a doubt.  But how do you prepare yourself for life changing events?

By believing that it is a part of life and that all things are beautiful no matter what.  Be grateful what you do have and pass on that love, wisdom and joy that you experience.  Remember there are some things that are totally out of your control and it is meant to be for a higher understanding and learning!  I know it is not easy, for we are of a humanistic nature and we become attached, and that is because we are thinking creatures.  We love, we hate, we experience joy and happiness, sadness, we are up one minute and down the next.  

This is the reason that I write poetry and short stories of a sort to up lift our spirit to have fun and to experience life from another perspective.  We are a work in progress, us living souls, but it is all good, because I have found out in all these years there are good people doing good and great things and that is what helps us see it through no matter what it may be.  
Below is the link to the information I got for the 10 stressful life events and there are more which are further expressed on this site, so visit the site and read them.  

Me and my writings aim to design and develop experiences through my writings to make peoples lives simpler! 

Don't go anywhere just getting started !

YBe anything other than 1's self?

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sharing this Revelation


Office of Victims of Crimes -Offers assistance to Victims

"The Office for Victims of Crime, a part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, seeks to enhance victims’ rights and services for all victims across the United States. The Office for Victims of Crime offers a wealth of resources for the crime victims field, including publications, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and more."