I found out in 65 years on this earth plane, that life is a "fixed fight"! Always!  I always stress to my offspring that the Most High created all things, not leaving it up to man, to create anything.

    Man and his egotistic nature truly believes that their ideals, opinions, concepts and theories are his very own.

     I also realized, everything in existence has a polar opposite, there is no neutrality of any kind!  (No in-between, no grey area).
You are either hot or cold, one minute you are up the next minute down, you can go right or exit left.  Sane, insane, kind, mean, black or white, yes or no etc.  You get the drift?  A mirror effect!


     That mirror image we peer into, having no idea that we see our very own duality existence, expatriating with no error of judgement, for our left is right and our right is left, totally unaware that the mirror image which we were told is a smoking mirror but, in reality is the true illusion of our-self.  This is only to be acknowledged by that very mechanism (the mirror) which we need, for a reflection, a vision of our-self, that sight of who we are, what we look like and that true reflection, no doubt, without partiality the Most High in us.  
     That is the "Truth," the true image we must see when we peer in a mirror.  So.....it is obvious, It Is A Fixed Fight!  
     The life in this physical world there are crooks and criminals fixing sports events, business contracts, food consumption, the good old price fixing huh etc. just to win or reap monetary benefits all the time.  
     "Total Polar Opposites!"  Which side do we choose?

Below are two links by skiptomylou to consult in the apparent differences of features (that we all share) and how we can peep those noticeable or not so noticeable differences and why it appears to be that way especially when peering into a mirror, to realize it is a fixed fight! 


Ybe anything other than 1's self!

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fricken ridiculous behavior towards Blacks here in Everett Washington

 So as most of you know  (especially those of you who have been making a living racially  harassing ,stalking mocking and blocking us for ye...

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