We must take that energy that we waste on worry and use it to believe that we can make a difference in our lives.  There is nothing wrong in believing that you will instead of what will happen if I do.   

Trusting in a higher self/Power is the timing we need right now, for opportunity is calling, and we must realize that if we get in tune with the universe and it's existence, it will always have our back!
We will provide opportunity for us to learn what it means to Trust and Believe in Ourselves and A Force greater that truly exits within us and all around us.


Rainbow in your life!

In the mist of the clouds comes the sunshine.  In the clouds is that mist that creates the rainbow in the sky!  In life we have all of the above (clouds, sunshine and the rainbow) that is what we understand as the power of love!

Sometimes thing get a little blue, but to understand the nature of life is a bonus for me and you!  The cloudy skies that pass our way are temporary and few only last a couple of days.  

When we notice those pretty blue skies again, we appreciate the precious time that passes this way my friend!  We live to be in a special zone, living our lives and taking care of our homes.

That rainbow in our lives is the very key, for us to make the strive to maintain and remain free!  Never doubt or be afraid, the very essence of that rainbow in your life is top of the grade.

In this world are many things that we have to confront and are put in our lives to challenge our many attributes that we have received from our parents but most importantly from the Most High whom endowed that genetic make-up to mold us into what we are!  The outer is a reflection of the inner nature that we posses.  That rainbow is a reminder of the peace we must share not only with each other but also that gratitude we must give to the Most High for loving us and allowing us to cast our eyes upon such beauty and uniqueness that is created by that very rainbow we see in the sky.  The many colors of the spectrum of the rainbow is a melody for the eyes and a song for the lips when we truly declare the profound nature of how the rainbow becomes!  Don't ever stop appreciate the many beautiful things of nature that gives the opportunity to enjoy all that is!  This is our rite and this is our nature to be one with the attributes of this earth plane!  The rainbow in your life is one of them!
YBe anything other than 1's self?   

Who is it that say we don't have a soul?  Here today, gone tomorrow is what I been told!  I found out in a round about way, that soul that we have is here to stay!  

What is the soul actually anyway?  Is it a ball of dirt or a bale of hay?  Does it take time out to speak to me?  Maybe it rides the highway at tip top speed!

The soul what color would it be?  Is it a yellow or a clear mahogany?  I really heard that it might be white!  Maybe even the darkness, that color like the night!

It really depends on the persona that it is!  It moves, it crackles and it fizzZZZ!   The soul how old is it's age?  Old enough, now flip the page.  

Did you know the soul is grateful for it's sol?  It don't have to worry about being bodily cold!  Even it's hardship are not at all!  It don't have to worry about taking a fall!

The soul is in line with the spirit!  It dwells in a body that it's inherit!  Even the skeleton inner man smile all the time!  It knows the secrets at a drop of a dime!

The soul is that other you! That part that is never renew!  So take the soul and sew the fabric of your sol and you will reap what you sow!  OH!

YBe anything other than 1's self?
If I held the moon in my hands, If I could I'd gather all the people of the world from all the lands.
If I could tell them they are very special, a unique living soul like vessel!
If I could let everyone see that glow,
If they only knew that love that is within is an even flow!
If I could show all the people of this earth, a new kind of discovery a new kind of birth!
If only everyone would understand, the awesome nature of a woman and a man!
If everyone recognize  we all come from the same mold, born a baby to grow old.
If you would only look up in the sky, If you would see the moon at night for in the day it's a disguise!
If you don't worry and not cry, If you only knew your are the children of the Most High!

YBe anything other than 1's self!

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