"Passing Trends
Current Cultures"

You are coming I am going or is it you are going and I am coming as we pass each other by.  
I'm casual you are clean I wonder about your life, I could truly pry!
Our appearances are in stark contrast, me in dull pants and you in bright color dress!
I might be carrying a book, purse, or even an umbrella, you're carrying a heavy load now that's my fella!
Passing trends come and go, Current Cultures can only grow!
I walk with my right foot first, your left foot moving ahead to break the occupancy curse!
I'm bald and grey, you're strong and in the fray.  My stature is plump and quick, your stature is smooth and fit.  As we pass each other by, we never met with our eye.  
Passing Trends come and go, Current Cultures can only grow!

YBe anything other than 1's self? 


Office of Victims of Crimes -Offers assistance to Victims

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