Wall Free not Wall Street!

Wall Free Not Wall Street

There is so much going on in the world right now that we just need to stop and take a break from all of those things and contemplate on how we can make a difference not only in our lives but those in which are a part of our everyday world and those who are in our communities and those who are in our cities, states and country.

Most people are lost in their own reality that they really do not think that they can make a difference in this overall life, we call existence.  

Everywhere you go you hear many talk about the current issues that keeps us chain and bound by the system and the conformity is high among the people in yielding to that very system.  

What happen to the times when you stood up and claim your spot in this whirlwind of chaos.  Spoke your mind and the truth and made a example of what you knew. Where is the courage, where is the strength in the people.  Everyday there is a lot to see, a lot to take in.  Times have change and so have we.  We are all just observers and not partakers in this glorious ride.  We just sit back and stare into a tube, laugh sometimes, cry a lot and wonder so many times what can we do.  

There are those who are against us to the max.  We are considered the very ones they must keep tabs on.  What can we do, where can we go, how can we function in a world where it is totally against what we believe to be just.  Do we keep doing what we are doing?  Sitting behind a portal of a screen and pretend it's all good and be joyous that it is not part of our world.   

We read many books on many things, but can we trust what the
media, writers, and authors have wrote about all through history.  We debate with others on many topics, and become friends, followers or foes at the end of the day.  What are we as a people in this world to do.  Our very lives depend on how we will accept this current trend of deceit.

What about our offspring and what they will do when they reach that plateau of living like we have?  Will they continue this consent or will they descend into a moral corruption never known before?  The rules of living have change drastically.  The game that is being played is for keeps now, for people are not only changing their once rational lifestyle but are changing their bodies.

What are our babies going to do with themselves with all of this new found freedom of being what you think you should be and no one can question your judgement for sake of being prejudice. Morals have began to haul off to the junk yard, to be covered over never to resurface until another century.

Can all of this be changed around, of course it can and it will.  But first we must know where we stand and what we stand for.  If we continue to believe that our world is not a part of the whole world and that we are solely in this on our own, then it is going to take a while and a lot of heartaches to mankind before we finally get it right.

YBe anything other than 1's self?

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"The Office for Victims of Crime, a part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, seeks to enhance victims’ rights and services for all victims across the United States. The Office for Victims of Crime offers a wealth of resources for the crime victims field, including publications, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and more."