THE RESILIENT - One of the Best Speeches EVER (Featuring Coach Pain)

                                              THANK YOU !

*REPOST* Arrests in Four States of Racially Motivated Violent Extremists Targeting Journalists and Activists

Department of Justice

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Arrests in Four States of Racially Motivated Violent Extremists Targeting Journalists and Activists


These attacks are actively still going on here  in  WA State  other State's and sadly  around the world.  

To Help not To Hurt

Google Made $4.7 Billion From the News Industry in 2018, Study Says

Google Made $4.7 Billion From the News Industry in 2018, Study Says


By Marc Tracy

 And they paid us ZERO !  -  Monopoly ?  Antitrust  ? 

THIS is WHAT needs to be investigated... How about the disabled Bloggers who pay for a blog site annually  blog for free, yet "Google" and other Social Media outlets  get paid off of our Data and Traffic while we are then placed under surveillance  because it looks like we should be getting paid for our contributions and making money but we haven't made 1 penny and our opportunities to do so seem  intentionally blocked.  ADA violation ?  Form of Servitude ?      

Shift Paradigm (4K)

 A man living on a park bench meets a business woman as they learn about one another's lives through a series of interactions that both lead to learning dark pasts of each person only to find out that forgiveness is the key to moving forward.
Checkout more information on the film and whats next here:

Filmed in - Tacoma Washington

A film Written and By Gregory Marks

Invisible Illness Awareness

Image result for invisible illness quote anxiety

We here at "Stay at Home Moms " don't get paid to Blog ,In fact we Blog & Share  Information Motivation & News   without any revenue or compensation  knowing  that   soon all of our efforts will be recognized & appreciated  plus it often helps us divert & get through the Pain by helping to Educate & uplift others.

Invisible Illnesses Awareness.  Not all illnesses are visible and some are made worse by other's malicious behavior towards those who are suffering.

So Please Stop Assuming Judging Preying on Exploiting and Stalking the Elderly,Vulnerable & Disabled.  

64 White Supremacists Prosecuted by DOJ Receive 820 Years in Federal Prison 


Rest Be Still and Trust God [AUDIO BIBLE - Overcome Weariness]

HoW CoMe

I stood tall alone in the mist of all the others that clump together against me staring my way.
How Come They were many and I was one surrounded by the only protection I had.  Those small little spokes, no not folks, spokes that were put there for me I felt so sad.  How Come The sky was cloudy but happy to be where they could see.
Every time I moved with the wind the others swayed too!  How Come Giving unison a name worth thinking through.
How Come All the laws that were implemented throughout the land, had simply disappeared when it came to my stand.
How Come Every where that I peered to see, the battle of my loneliness amp up level three.  
How Come Everything was taken from me, justice was a thought that pretend to be free!  One thing for sure I can say, I planted firmly and wasn't going away. How Come  Even though the surrounding ground was cold, I was one of those who's wisdom maintain from those from long ago!
The burden of many upon my shoulders, found myself getting younger not older.  How could this be when everything was certainly against my will, I don't know in my mind things turning and won't stay still.  How Come The government was totally out of control, can't you tell by the way they gather against me it was so cold! 
How Come The sun was setting in the nick of time, let me know it was just the right moment that amp my rhythm and rhyme!  Now I got that answer to my rejection, it's mainly my psyop perfection.  I will not go no where, 
I'm well grounded by the branches of my hair.
How Come, I'm looking back at that group of crowd staring at me  with truth or dare!  It appears I don't care but I'm fix and can't go no where, so I'm making the best of this journey's affair!
How Come it only makes sense to me?

YBe anything other than 1's self?

Martin Luther King, Jr., "What Is Your Life's Blueprint?"

            What is your life's blueprint ?

Black History Month
The Sun shines bright in the life of the people!

This month of February is the month that was set aside according to Public Law No. 99-244, Stat. 6 (Feb. 11, 1986), celebrating the history of black people. 
It is an annual celebration of black people that have done great and memorable things that are a credit to the culture of black people.
Carter G. Woodson and others came up with this event which was once recognized as Negro History week around Jan. 2010.

Some famous Black People
Robert Abbott, Alvin Ailey, Muhammad Ali, Richard Allen, Maya Angelou, Ella Baker, James Baldwin, Thurgood Marshall, Toni Morrison, Barack Obama, Jesse Owens, Gordon Parks, Sidney Poitier, Richard Pryor, Jackie Robinson, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Madam C.J. Walker, Booker T. Washington, Ida B. Wells are a few of the many black people that have given their life to the world representing the black people .

Watch out for many activities that are highlighted for this celebration of black accomplishments.

YBe anything other than 1's self? 

Hate crimes remain at heightened levels, FBI report finds

Oppression leads to Depression



op·​pres·​sion | \É™-ˈpre-shÉ™n  \

Definition of oppression 

1aunjust or cruel exercise of authority or powerthe continuing oppression of the … underclasses— H. A. Daniels
bsomething that oppresses especially in being an unjust or excessive exercise of powerunfair taxes and other oppressions

2a sense of being weighed down in body or mind DEPRESSIONan oppression of spirits

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Office of Victims of Crimes -Offers assistance to Victims

"The Office for Victims of Crime, a part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, seeks to enhance victims’ rights and services for all victims across the United States. The Office for Victims of Crime offers a wealth of resources for the crime victims field, including publications, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and more."