HoW CoMe

I stood tall alone in the mist of all the others that clump together against me staring my way.
How Come They were many and I was one surrounded by the only protection I had.  Those small little spokes, no not folks, spokes that were put there for me I felt so sad.  How Come The sky was cloudy but happy to be where they could see.
Every time I moved with the wind the others swayed too!  How Come Giving unison a name worth thinking through.
How Come All the laws that were implemented throughout the land, had simply disappeared when it came to my stand.
How Come Every where that I peered to see, the battle of my loneliness amp up level three.  
How Come Everything was taken from me, justice was a thought that pretend to be free!  One thing for sure I can say, I planted firmly and wasn't going away. How Come  Even though the surrounding ground was cold, I was one of those who's wisdom maintain from those from long ago!
The burden of many upon my shoulders, found myself getting younger not older.  How could this be when everything was certainly against my will, I don't know in my mind things turning and won't stay still.  How Come The government was totally out of control, can't you tell by the way they gather against me it was so cold! 
How Come The sun was setting in the nick of time, let me know it was just the right moment that amp my rhythm and rhyme!  Now I got that answer to my rejection, it's mainly my psyop perfection.  I will not go no where, 
I'm well grounded by the branches of my hair.
How Come, I'm looking back at that group of crowd staring at me  with truth or dare!  It appears I don't care but I'm fix and can't go no where, so I'm making the best of this journey's affair!
How Come it only makes sense to me?

YBe anything other than 1's self?

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