"Is Facebook Guilty of a cover-up " ? Opt -Ed

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Inside the Social Media Giant there is a disturbing realization that not only did the Social Media giant know about what was going on within it's Own Domain but also that it made a profit off of the  innocence of it's consumers who trusted that they were indeed being protected from predatory behavior that ,as it so turns out- they were not at all being  protected from. In fact not only were they not being protected but certain groups were actually being preyed upon based on say ...Race or Economic situation , Geographic location to a large productive  Economy etc,  carefully planned out attempts to separate and profit off of  the Nation based on Race, Economics and Political affiliation and lastly a cover-up so Large that if exposed it Would or Could shut down the Social Media Giant forever.

This is an Opt-Ed  that was written by  Monica who has experienced the effects of  Social Media -Consumer Exploitation  ~ originally written 2 years ago to the day - but held from public view -  by the Author-  Until Now . 

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