Is the Media Biased ? ~ Stay at Home Mom's Changing Lives


              Is The Media Biased ?


            The Media is only as Bias as the Companies that approve and Pay them to report are.

Perhaps we need to focus on the Companies first . 

      If there is a news affiliated Media Company that is supposed to investigate and report Local and World events and that Company or Media outlet only represents one Group of People Racially or Ethnically there is a very Large chance that Yes, the Media is Bias. 

       But its not just the reporting but the Hiring and Policies . 

    In order to truly represent what is actually going on in the World there has to be a better representation of what makes a World .

    This can not be done from only one limited point of view, other-wise yes we will always have bias in everything.

     It's  not just Media coverage but it's also in Banking, Housing, Education, HealthCare, Policing, Government and Federally-Funded organizations, Sports etc.  The list goes on but .... 

It starts at the Front desk... and leads to the Front office.

Being  Biased~ it's not just a media problem.


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