Without my consent -repost


State v. Young, 123 Wn.2d 173, 867 P.2d 593 (1994) (en banc)

  • Law: Wash. Const. art. I, § 7 (protection of private affairs and protection from warrantless search and seizure- invasion of home)

  • Outcome: The court reversed the conviction and determined that warrantless infrared surveillance violated Washington State Constitution and Fourth Amendment.  Without the information obtained through the search, there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate probable cause to allow the officers to search defendant’s home   .

  • Special Notes: Washington decisions have noted that the home “receives heightened constitutional protection,”4 because the home is a private place.

  1. Wash. Const. art. I, § 7
  2. RCW 4.24.790 Electronic impersonation—Action for invasion of privacy
  3. RCW 9.61.260 – Cyberstalking
  4. RCW 9.61.230, .240, .250 – Telephone Harassment
  5. RCW Chapter 9.73 – State Privacy Act
  6. RCW Chapter 10.14 – Civil Harassment
  7. RCW 63.60.010, et. seq. – Use of name, voice, signature, photograph, or likeness

Maine Man Sentenced for Committing and Conspiring to Commit Federal Hate Crime


“No one should be targeted for violence because of the color of their skin or their ethnicity. Crimes like this tear at the very fabric of our society. This prosecution makes clear that individuals who commit hate-motivated crimes will be made to pay for their actions. 

“Today’s sentence should make it crystal clear that those who traffic in hate, targeting people in our community because of their skin color, will be held accountable for their horrific, violent crimes,” said Special Agent in Charge Joseph R. Bonavolonta of the FBI Boston Field Office. “No one should be afraid to walk down the street and be targeted by an act of violence based on how they look, where they are from, or any part of their identity.

+++It's currently happening  right here in Seattle WA. too   Even in a place where we pay rent and should be able to  expect a certain amount of  privacy but have never been able to enjoy it like the other tenants do. 

These thieves -sexual perverts - constantly hovering over -us ,lurking.  that's where they target us from standing over us in my bedroom or  they follow us at his apartment in his bedroom  while you  aim your micro-wave -forced -weapons  at  our bodies and our private body parts - with the intent to harm us, and you even watch us making -love   and in the shower and on the toilet you sick-M.F;s   All of this harassment ,abuse ,and violations of the law  simply due to  our race , our Ethnic and religious  identity as Hebrews and due to the way I report things, as an independent Journalist or because of the way we look, act or anything else that makes an organized group of Stalkers continue to target and intentionally cause  harm to those based on Hate . +++.   Hatecrime's !!! Very -Predatory -Hostile Living- Enviroment !! They are now intentionally harvsting all our personal information in an attempt to leverage it for profit . 

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