For the cowards who hover over me in Seattle WA repost

       You Will not maliciously- harass me in the privacy of my own Apartment ,  and think that you can get away without being held accountable for the damages that all of your evil- actions have caused . 
       I am  the Woman who you under-estimated . the woman you under-valued The one who you thought you  could continually make-up lies about to justify your mistreatment  of sexually.mentally ,physically and financially and  assault, spread rumors about and steal from   The Woman  whom all of you colluded together to defeat , but one thing that all of you failed to realize  is I am a survivor ! And I am The woman who you should have left alone , the Woman who you failed to respect and refused to acknowledge had any right to NOT be bullied stalked in housing (like I don't see you or hear you as you hover behind the walls stomp above me of use your company designed and produced weapons  even in her own bed where one should always be expected privacy  . The Woman whom you all assumed was not worthy of being anything more than just a commodity that you could  all -illegally-profit from  by abusing and making false -claims against  , while  then intentionally and  fraudulently gaining a profit from intentionally mistreating and milisciously violating each and every day .  

          You foolish -predators who hover over me day and night , while reading over my shoulder and  BOLDLY  sharing  my  personal non-public and confidential or even  classified  information with the same people whom are listed in the communications , to give them  "heads-up "  .  You change my settings  and fonts to  make it harder for me to see , intentionally hack into my internet communications my cell phone  and my emails and wait for the sabbath to really violate me sexually you devils  Playing your bull-shit  games with my  physical -limitations,   You are all Sucker's unable to show your faces while doing the dirty work for those who don't dare and  know that your illegal acts are  actually punishable - by Law. 

         So when they come knocking at your door and best believe they are coming for you .  Don't try and claim that you were unaware that your actions were illegal and don't claim that you had no knowledge that your malicious-harassing actions were doing damages , the same damages that you are now sheepishly-attempting to claim as your cause or your reason for illegally being here, Because You know that  you're  a LIAR and you know that  you're  not going to ever be able to make your fraudulent -after the fact: LIES  stand up to MY TRUE FACTS and the true evidence of all of the damages that you knowingly and willfully all caused due to the fact that you all thought nothing of the "Black-disabled vulnerable woman who you knew was never a threat ...but you had told that lie for so long that you yourself wanted to actually believe it , just to avoid being prosecuted . 

         All that I can say is Shame-on- you !

        Shame on you for   Exploiting  yet believing that I was so Physically and  Mentally -impaired that  you could then  Abuse Use and falsely Accuse me of crimes that you yourself had committed against me yet had intentionally lied and told others I had done , just so you could avoid arrest 

        After-all how would someone who is as inept and ill-equipped mentally as you have portrayed me at-times to  those who have sought to reward me for my work  ,that you have also sought to claim as your own ,how could 1 disabled elderly woman have  ever  intentionally  successfully and maliciously have personally carried out so many bad-acts  as you have claimed , while also struggling to survive the 9 hour emergency  surgery from the Tumor-removal  that your intentional 4+ year attacks , W/ Stalking  ,Slander Sabotage and deprivation of  my earned - Federal benefits, interference with my Housing, interference with my personal -relationships so  that I would be left to struggle alone  to have to learn how to walk again  pushing my walker  and  trying to make stable my foot-steps with my cane .how could someone who is as you  have  falsely-claimed   be so capable of so much  wrong doing ? yet also so mentally and physically unable to be seen as worthy of a reward for her hard work .... i'll wait -   

illegal unauthorized use of copy-written work.

These stalkers have followed and intentionally harmed me at my apartment complex in Seattle and also at the complex where the Man in my life happens to live . They are not doing anything that is legal because if in fact they were there would be NO need to be using these illicit radioactive- weapons to intentionally cause physical mental and emotional harm to me..... You are the same "group" behind the "racially motivated -attacks that you yourselves  labeled "critical race theory " which in fact should be called "History" - The true  History  of the abuses of people like myself that you want hidden, yet you can't teach US history while intentionally leaving out slavery and the illicit foul acts against a race of people by another race of people no matter how you re-label it. 


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