Originally aired - 2021 -'Right to Housing free from invasions of Privacy and illegal Survielance /Wiretaps of "Black-Indenttity -Extremests " ? what the heck is that ?


Justice Delayed is Justice Denied

30 Powerful Martin Luther King Jr Quotes on Equality Rights, Black Lives Matter and MoreOriginaly posted   
 I recently came across a document online that stated that there were some quote  "black Identity Extremest " (Excuse me but....What exactly does that even mean, anyway ? I have never heard of one of those existing except from the mouths of those who think that any person who happens to identify as being anything other than White , must in-deed be a threat to their own existence . What I do know is As a Woman of color I have been targeted perhaps by the same mind-set who would create a label as ridiculous as this one, and placed under a non-stop "coin-tel-pro" style organized intentional -harassment -intentional body damage- intentional mental damage -intentional violation of my right to housing free from sexual -voyeurism and exploitation type of STALKING CHAMPAIGN  clearly meant to cause me harm simply for exercising my right to speak out against these types of overt  human -rights-abuses against a "Black-Woman-who has a Blog and therefor we think we should invade her each and every day and night, illegally gain access to all of her personal files and listen in and share everything that she does in the privacy of her own bed -which if it were the other way around we'd be just as outraged-angry and annoyed  as she is  "  which have been going on  non-stop for well over 4 years .  

And I must say that I am tired of it I am tired of these "domestic terrorist's" see how it feels when someone else puts a narrative on your life? The difference is I'm not standing over you in your private -bedroom aiming a weapon at your body with the intent to do severe damage and to intentionally cause you pain as you are currently and willfully doing to me each and every day since I moved here on June 11th 2021-and displayed the same pattern-of practice prior in Snohomish County  not to mention stalking me on the roads and then having your same goon squad setup in the apartment complex where  my love interest resides ..... Collusion ? Stalking? Malicious- harassment ? Racial profiling in-housing-inwhat should be the privacy of  your own  bedroom and your bathroom ? Really !!!  

 when it gets to the point where they will invade your personal privacy in your own bed watch you as you wipe your-ass on the toilet and watch you in the shower or as you dress , we've lost control of the amount of POWER that one should be allowed to assert against another simply for being a certain race , having a different  Political belief , following a certain Faith, or writing a point of view that you disagree with . 

This is when we must speak up and let the WORLD know that this is what is going on and these acts are unacceptable especially "in a person's bedroom or bathroom area's where one should be able to expect a certain amount of privacy"

Amdt Right to Privacy: Pre-Modern Doctrine


Invasion of Privacy (“Public disclosure of private facts”) - Publication of Private Facts

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