Leader of Neo-Nazi group sentenced for plot targeting journalists and advocates- Seattle REPOST - BEEN GOING ON FOR QUITE A WHILE

 > https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdwa/pr/leader-neo-nazi-group-sentenced-plot-targeting-journalists-and-advocates  

And now instead of doing this in the streets they have now brought it to where we live -and in what should be the privacy of our own beds, bedrooms and in the bathroom  and it's out of control -when you can't even heal from the last targeted attack and now you're being targeted again but this time it's from those who are being allowed to come in to where you live and should be able to expect privacy but you can't because they NEVER stop the assaults and violations of your rights !  ENOUGH ALREADY! 

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Can't serve 2 masters

 These wicked evil coven @itches  really think that they can swap destines with the 144 thousand  just as we have finally been able to get o...

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