stay at home mom's editor's- statement of events that I have first hand knowledge about repost 3/29/2022 M.A.

 The Power you abuse .... 

Those in power often use it for bad rather than for good. They unite with other's who also abuse their power and then make it impossible to compete in a Nation that claims to be all inclusive while not realizing that there are forces set in motion to intentionally prevent some of us from being able to share and enjoy in the same benefits and wealth that this Nation was founded on . 
It has always been that the scales leaned in favor of Justice however there are some who have managed to get around the anti-trust, anti -discrimination right's and laws and instead have re-written policy to suit their own interests which is to intentionally inflict - harm to those who they see as "less-than" as in less than worthy of respect , lees worthy of due-process , less worthy of the right to privacy .less than worthy of being shown justice or any right to redress wrongs against them from those who have abused their power for self gain at the expense of those whom they deemed less worthy of being able to fight back or seeking Justice . 
In an age of instant gratification and abilities to invade a person just because there are enough of you in  the same evil -mindset  to carry out the illicit act . I have been the unfortunate target of these illegal and outrageous acts which have now been allowed to exploit me in my own apartment and in what has always been the privacy of your own  bedroom  , your own bed  or your own shower/ bathtub while they watch ,  and eagerly and aggressively record and share all of my  personal non -public activity . All because they  feel that you are not worthy of what they know are your rights , but they thinking that they have more power over you even during Covid 19 when they have added even deeper protections for those who are already considered as vulnerable , these abuses of the sick , the poor and those not seen as having any rights except the rights to be abused accused and preyed upon .  
You see I must  admit I have known that I was being watched after I noticed patterns of practices and then I noticed that at the times when I did travel which were not often I would have people (mostly Caucasians- but as they have wiretaps they will change out  with other races when tipped to switch the players , in a game that I never agreed to be a part of )  They would send  armature players  who it was obvious where being trained to stalk people who looked like me . This being evident by how they would hustle to get on say a bus and then spot my brown face and stop and then proceed to find a place to sit which allowed them access to place me in their direct view as they had been taught  to do . Then the same pattern in my housing of seeing the cars in sync- driving by to aim their illicit weapons at me as they passed and the traffic lights set up to intentionally hold us at a light so that they could also abuse there power while being paid to torture a race of people whom they never liked in the first place . 
Never have I seen so many nice new cars at an elderly housing complex so it's no surprise to see that they are not here as tenants at all yet they were able to gain access to a tenant based on false claims and then they were allowed to target that tenant in places that the laws clearly state are "areas where one should be able to expect a reasonable amount of privacy". That being a person's bedroom , their bed and the bathroom where I am not even able to wipe my own ass because there are those who feel that they I am  not worthy of the right to privacy even while wiping my own ass ! 
This is where we have some how taken the small amount of power that money which btw started with the free labor from slaves  which lead to enormous family wealth  - and somehow has been misconstrued as something that they did all on their own , and now these same ancestors  brazenly feel the right to violate me  a "black-female" just as they had done to my female ancestors .  And so we write and report about the abuses and they make excuses about who's jurisdiction it is to investigate these crimes or they joke about what makes it feel like a "hate-crime" when in fact it is obvious that these acts could be nothing but motivated by hate by those willing to ignore the inhumane torture and trauma that they are knowingly  and willingly causing  me ,the target . 
This is the new way in which people who look like me are being abused by those who abuse their power and are now partnering with the very same people who are being paid to keep you safe in your housing but in this day of  complete dereliction- of duty are in fact being allowed to abuse a tenant who was asked to remove her original  signature which would have protected me  against this type of abuse in order to have me sign a bad-faith lease meant to intentionally target me and  cause me pain and suffering solely because of my race ,  nationality , my commitment to change and for  standing up against those who abuse others  simply because they think that these people are void of any rights  to not be violated and preyed upon for ill-gotten gain.  This is what is going on in my city of Seattle where they collude together and share non-public information while knowing that they are under a Federal probe  or are already under a federal agreement to not violate any more laws that would lead to more counts of crimes being filed against them. If you have to violate a persons civil rights and assault them sexually you had no real claim in the first place in fact these acts were meant to intimidate a witness and to shame a witness you  must know that anything said after these acts would be seen as damages that were in fact caused by you and your claims would be void and inadmissible.     

@M.Andres author and target -3/29/2022 6:20 pm PST Seattle WA .

Anyone claiming to have consent to stalk me are liars and have sexually violated me  and my  

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