Illegal gang stalking in my apartment and in front of where I live Management is so damn useless and us part of the problem profiting off of my pain and suffering
It's about time that I let you all know how I am being mistreated here at Cortland place apartments in Seattle WA -As many of you already know I have been a target of an organized gang stalking campaign that started a few years ago this is a racially motivated -religious practices based assault on my right to privacy ! these domestic terrorists have not only been targeting a federally protected private citizen- but they have also illegally profited off of the illegal stealing of an inheritance policy that was sent to me from a relative naming me as the heir ! this act was performed under secret terms and carried out without my consent meant to deprive me of what was left for me to improve my quality of life instead they all shared it among theirselves leaving me here clueless to the fraud that was being committed in my name . someone forged my signature and then made intentional false statements claiming that I was "incompetent "numerous other lies that were told to defame and slander my name since then they have become even more aggressive with the attacks being intentionally done against me even going as far as hiring and allowing "witches " to come and preform spells and black magic directly above my head from the apartment above me #411 these malicious acts were being done by the same group of people who profited off of the illegal theft of my stolen inheritance ! so these fraudsters are now not only violating me on a daily bases but they are now knowingly trying to prevent me from being able to get my chance in court to reclaim the property that they have knowingly stolen from me which places these acts as an "obstruction of justice "! these domestic terrorists also have colluded with other terrorists to surround me in what should be the privacy of my own bedroom and constantly invade my body with these dark magic spells , grave-yard spells and numerous other attacks meant to cause harm and damages to my body! they have brazenly been allowed to come to where I live to prevent me from revealing the fact that these devils have been illegally using my property to live in while I remain stuck here in this low-income - dump and struggle to survive the malicious harassment and the non-consensual and intrusive personal attacks by these devils who feel that they have the right to take from me because of their obvious ignorance and hatred of me due to my race and my spiritual gifts which they seem to question often yet they have never thought to question their own wicked acts of stealing from me an inheritance that they knew damn well was not even theirs that's some hypocritical bullying right there isn't it ? So now today I was filling out yet another FBI complaint online which they once again very brazenly took it upon themselves to intercept my communications and intentionally prevented me from seeking access to a Federal agency while seeking relief from all of their intentional illegal and aggressive behavior which has been intentionally aimed at me while trying to find a place of peace to recuperate from all of these domestic terrorists assaults and violations of my body mind and my soul from being targeted by the same vile-predators who have already perpetuated the illegal theft of my family -inheritance which as they all knew was not there's to take ! So you see , we have a criminal investigation still ongoing while also they are trying to obstruct my right not only to my personal privacy in my bedroom and bed but also my right not to be constantly and continually be targeted and preyed upon by the same bad actors who knowingly lied violated and profited off of my family-inheritance without my consent or knowledge but now want to act as if these terrorists attacks are somehow warranted and justified these devils need to be treated as domestic terrorists /extremists as they have in fact committed definite acts of war against a victim whom they knowingly and brazenly stole an inheritance from and profited off of. Where is the Justice !! and even though I do forgive them because as a woman who has a good -moral character and is known for being a peace- maker it is what I am supposed to do,it's still very hard to comprehend exactly what goes on in a persons mind when they find their-selves presented with a situation such as this ?👼🏾👸🏾 🚓 when you intentionally cause harm to an innocent woman just so you can steal from her and then you plot day and night on how to keep your Con-game-going it must be exhausting because I know that as the target it's exhausting to me !
IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO REMEMBER TO CALL OUT TO THE MOST HIGH GOD - ( In fact He's waiting for you to call out and ask for guidance and ...