To the desperate thieves trying to cover-up their crimes ....

 this is a note to the many colluders who have banned together and have worked tirelessly in an effort to slander and try and destroy those who are here to do good ,here's a message for you all .  You illegal surveillance and your theft of inheritance your sexually motivated voyeurism , wiretapping , cell phone invasions ,your low-level spies sent to racially profiled folks in what should be the privacy of their own bedrooms bathrooms and Beds .Your using and abusing the authority of having access to apartments just so you could have your witch -covens come and stand over those who do not practice the same dark energy that you demonic devils and ugly ass witches do .  You are all so damn desperate to "win by any means necessary " even making up lies to place the innocent under attack and fake investigation while you yourselves are in fact the criminals .... bribing the police 👮‍♂️ judges attorneys , clerks ,insurance agents (who you threatened to harm if they did not comply with your terrorists threats ) the property managers who had personal non public information that they made public and gained a profits from, the gang style stalking stealing and illegal dealings , done just to cover-up your dirty deeds against those who you are profited off of and then intentionally made the victims a target of your attacks to try and keep them from revealing exactly what you had all worked so damn hard to keep hidden .... by placing the innocent victim on a government watch list ,on a hit list and then tried to setup in numerous ways that the victim never even had any part of yet you were as usual hoping to get someone to believe just to take the focus off of yourselves .... You have all been exposed and your crimes are about to get you sentenced to prison under the Rico act .  Have a nice day -enjoy the sunshine , you won't be seeing much of that where you are about to be going.?

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Note to my haters

 In case you didn't know  It's against the law to intentionally harras a person due to the fact that you don't like them or due ...

Office of Victims of Crimes -Offers assistance to Victims

"The Office for Victims of Crime, a part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, seeks to enhance victims’ rights and services for all victims across the United States. The Office for Victims of Crime offers a wealth of resources for the crime victims field, including publications, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and more."