Anti -Trust ? or Anti-"Black" ?

 I have been mistreated in my Federal Tax credit housing , I have had my "right to Privacy" completely ignored. My personal files, emails , cell phone messages destroyed or at least copied without my prior consent . My personal information shared online for profit and my personal love life exploited and torn apart and instead this "Terrorist- organized " smear campaign has tried to seduce him with a  layered -sex-spell- imposing- Witch from a coven who has made up Lie after lie , claiming to be this or that claiming that I had done this or that doing anything to try and steal a little bit of the spot light when in fact all that she was able to steal was my inheritance , and my man who obviously wasn't that much of a man in the first place if he can't tell a fake woman from a real one. I have had to defend myself when those who have taken an oath to protect and serve , have turned a blind-eye , and have left me here to fight against these illegal actions that have created a very hostile living environment , in fact they have attempted to get more crafty and have mounted up with dirty -cops  to try and muster up enough brain-cells to try and outsmart me , hoping to convince the public that all of this mind-fuckery has been warranted. Lets not forget that I am a venerable 60 year old woman of color who has precise protections in place that should cause at least  a few of these fake so called agents reason to be here protecting me instead of trying to prosecute me. However  up until now I am here fighting this never ending battle on my own . 

This fake -ass so called woman - who thinks of herself as "above me" (which is a huge joke btw) is so low and so slow that she actually believes her own lies and attempts to make herself relevant in a real- world , where she can't -even hold a candle to my God given abilities and skills,as displayed by her obsession and non-ending interest and even plagiarism of my website-content , claiming it to be her own work .... The group of practitioner's from the  coven actually  hover in the apartment directly above me trying relentlessly to do black-magic spells meant to cause me to fail , meant to cause me to be stuck ? in what I am not sure unless it's meant to be stuck in brilliance and abundance as these acts seem to have had the absolute opposite effect that they were meant to , and have launched me into my true calling as a recognized-and  investigative journalist- held in "high-honor" now known for  exposing frauds such as these "people" who are here on this property watching me with the illegal -use of surveillance devices and listening tools  to give them an upper hand on trying to plan a strategy that they hope will help take me down . But so far all that they have been able to witness is the working of a much stronger incredibly more true God who has been watching all of this abuse of one of His children and has shown them how blessed I truly am simply for always keeping my faith in the one and only true God -  I have had my writings plagiarized and claimed as her own, claiming money that was meant  for me , and then shamelessly fooling my     now, ex life-partner into believing that it was an "unexpected gift "from the divine universe .... if it weren't so ironically fraudulent I would laugh .  Using spells to secretly bind -him to her to prevent him from being able to think rationally and get up and walk away and head back to where he subconsciously knows that he should be but being that he is not in control of his complete thoughts and actions , he can't seem to remember that he still has free-will  to go as he pleases and instead this "shape shifter "  of his uses her  "male-infused-dominance" to completely dominate his abilities to leave and walk away . Going into an all out -tantrum and using  child-like tactics of " letting him know just what actions she  is willing to  take against me , or against him should he even think about trying to leave her " or of what type of false claims she is willing to claim to keep him locked up in the system so that "if she can't have him , then she'll be damned if I ever will"  

And what I found to be the most hypocritical portion of her desperate false claims used to try and justify her ridiculous delusions , is that when she after having a one-night - stand with him and then through the use of spells and Black-magic deceitfully - convinced him to leave me his common-law wife of more than 20+ years  and to make a dedication to only love and desire her and not ME  , she used "free-will" as a reasoning , yet NOW that same free- will when he does try and exercise it and attempts to leave and break free to  run back to what he actually knows is his "True- Love and his home-base and stable ground" She completely throws a fit and  flies off the handle and refuses to allow him to use that  same "free-will" she shamelessly swore by and used to trap him and now holds him as a hostage against his own "free-will" , claiming once again she will never allow him to escape this non-realistic made -up delusional bad dream, in pursuit of his only real - example of love and compassion that he had at home with me, and lets not forget the blackmail that has him tied to her wickedness  the "secrets" that she threatens to expose should he ever suddenly escape without her knowledge .

 It sounds to me as if we have a criminal organization that has a rouge "bad-dark - demonic- undertone" at work in an attempt to break -apart a loving -union between two people of the same likeness with God-given -gifts and true compassion for one-another in exchange for a false -flag  - shape shifter who is capable of emulating whatever it is that she feels he wants sexually  for the night - even telling him that he can even  enjoy another woman as long as it's not ME which in and of itself goes completely against all of the teachings of the Bible that he professes to teach to others .  #1Husband1Wife  #GuiltyGoogle  

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