To those who are attempting to try and devise a false claim against an innocent Heir ....
So it appears that there are some desperate folk's so broke that they're desperately trying to make -up a false claim against me the "legal heir" of an inheritance , that they along with many others have already defrauded the court with false statements about me that they used to illegally steal an inheritance that named me as the legal Heir . And so now that I am about to show the court that I am not only Competent but I am the rightful person that this inheritance was meant to go to before these false witnesses colluded together to prevent me from being notified of my due process to appear and claim it , and I am more that ready to face all of these false accusers and malicious abuser's who have now been regularly coming to my apartment to intentionally inflict -pain -upon my body and have routinely use black magic -spells in hopes of causing me to experience a sense of confusion or to deny me my right to have a life better than the one that all of their obstruction of justice in my receipt of funds that were meant for me to have a better-quality of life, that they feel I do not deserve out of jealousy , envy and hatred for anything that I am involved with or about to be blessed with from The most High God who has already said that this is my gift , and is not yours ! Anything that you try and claim against me still does NOT justify the theft by all of you of an inheritance that was meant for me. No Lie , NO new after-the fact false Tale will justify your actual and intentional deprivation of my gift that you stole and refused to return back to its rightful owner , the same is true for the home that was also left to me in the inheritance in which you are also currently in the illegal -possession of which is your clear motive for all of your illicit aggressive attacks that you have aggressively been committing against me the innocent -heir to an estate that you have coveted as yours - knowingly and illegally withholding mail from me and now tormenting and plotting against me while there is an open legal proceeding...... #Witness #Intimidation #Abuse
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