Absolute Nuisance Law
Absolute Nuisance Law and Legal Definition
Absolute nuisance is a distinct civil wrong arising or resulting from:
1) the invasion of a legally protected interest, and consisting of an unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment of the property of another;
2) the doing of anything or the permitting of anything under one's control or direction to be done without just cause or excuse, the necessary consequence of which interferes with or annoys another in the enjoyment of his/her legal rights;
3) the unlawful doing of anything or the permitting of anything under one's control or direction to be done which results in injury to another; or
4) the collecting and keeping on one's premises of anything inherently dangerous or likely to do mischief if it escapes, which, escaping, injures another in the enjoyment of his/her legal rights.
In my case I have been severly Tortured , continually abused exploited sexually with non-authorized surviellance of my naked body being shared online through the dark-web for profit, also my personal non-public information like my social security number , my medical info my banking info etc being illegally shared on the dark web for a profit - my mail being opened and or stolen and interfering with my right to Due Process in a legal matter - I have been stalked non-stop and these bad actors have intentionally been here to cause me physical damages , with attacks meant to intentionally cause me confusion , mental duress , anger , depression , instabiity and financial hardships as my finances were constantly under attack by these thirsty vultures who were so criminally- and insanely focused- on preventing me from being able to enjoy a better quality of life and were extremely obsessed with taking what was rightfully mine and distributing it among those who were more like them in their feelings of entitlement yet they had no right to even be illegally -receiving or intentionally interfering with my access to my own money - but their Malice , Hatred , Envy Jealousy and obviously Racially motivated Oppressions and feeling of their own superiority of my legal rights allowed them to continually come after me and interfere not only with me financially but also to allow others to come to the property were I have a legal right against the multitude of offenses that have been waged against me in a coordinated-criminal effort to abuse me , falsely accuse me ,sexually exploit me and to slander my good name as if doing so would actually justify ALL of their criminal -actions which were continual and non-stop , even though they ALL knew that they had and were causing me to suffer enormous amounts of not only pain , mental anguish , and physical side-effects of all of the abuses Done against me and also denying me my legal right to privacy in my own bed, bathtub and on the toilet , Denying my right's against not being a target for other's to illegally gain from and the unspeakable damaging effects of having another -person/persons completely and intentionally disrespect me as an "Elderly , venerable ,Black-disabled -Woman of 60 years of age " Who would never have mistreated any of them like this in any way , and most did not even know me on a personal level yet NO ONE tried to make all of these known violations against me STOP ! Not the many property Managers , not those who had taken oaths to protect and serve , Not the Owners of the Property or the multitude of other tenants and their friends who came to actually cause my demise and profit off of my pain suffering and un-warranted attacks by the Witch-Coven who were brazenly allowed to also add black magic spells to affect my normally kind disposition and positive outlook on life to one of having to react to the non-stop attempts to take my life -through casting evil upon me - which would cause me to yell out in despair and emotional distress - This is something that should NEVER have been allowed to happen to any person in the US let alone an elderly Woman yet it was allowed , and seemed to be completely well know yet my cries for help to make it all stop went un-answered and brazenly meant to seem like this is what I somehow deserved for trying to live a better -quality of life . And now they are realizing that I have Divine Immunity.....
Absolute Immunity Law and Legal Definition
Absolute immunity is a form of legal immunity which is unconditional in nature. Absolute immunity is in contrast to qualified immunity. Qualified immunity, by its very nature, carries with it a set of conditions that must be fulfilled in order for the immunity to be available. Judicial immunity, prosecutorial immunity and divine immunity are examples for absolute immunity.
Also My mother is and has been dead for more than 20 years , all of my children are in fact over the age of 21 - so if there is someone else making false claims of being Me my Mother , my relatives or my minor child they are liars and are defrauding you with false claims meant to steal Money from me and claim it as their own ! I CAN NOT BELIEVE THE LENGTHS SOME ARE WILLING TO GO FOR MONEY ! STOP MAKING MONEY AN IDOL AND STOP TELLING LIES ABOUT ME JUST TO ILLEGALLY -GAIN ACCESS TO MONEY THAT WAS LEGALLY MINE OR WAS LEFT TO ME - IF IT'S NOT IN YOUR NAME THEN IT IS NOT YOURS . period -
Isaiah 10:1-3 Amplified Bible (AMP)
Woe (judgment is coming) to those [judges] who issue evil statutes, And to those [magistrates] who constantly record unjust and oppressive decisions, So as to deprive the needy of justice And rob the poor of My people of rightful claims, So that widows may be their spoil And that they may plunder the fatherless. Now what will you do in the day of [God’s] punishment, And in the storm of devastation which will come from far away? To whom will you flee for help? And where will you leave your wealth [for safekeeping]?
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