Mistreated as a proteced Class and allowed communty of broke-back men try and do me in.....
This is a statement of fact to the events situations and constant abuses I have been subjected to as a "whistleblower" who happens to also be a 60 yr old "African-American" female - Before I begin let me start by saying that NO WHERE has the type of abuses that have been done to prevent me from being able to advance in my life ever been so completely overt as these are now - I have had my family torn apart and these self-righteous- morons have turned them against me which for me is not even the most egregious matter in this case . For me the most egregious points pertain to the use of illegal use and abuse of the non-authorized surveillance cameras' that were illegally placed with-in my bedroom and and bathroom that they used to continually- exploit and deprive me of my natural right to privacy in non-public areas where I happen to live. I am also enraged at the total amount of deception - non-stop intentional interference into my personal life, my internet, social media and even making false -profiles using pictures stolen from my laptop. They then collected money while committing fraud and did other illicit illegal campaigns meant to cause others to view me in an unjust -or malicious way , treating me as if I had done something wrong when fact the truth of the matter was and is that all of these colluders were insanely jealous -envious -and - wanting of that which I had been awarded for the tip or info which I was being awarded for, afterall if I had been a White-Male there would not have been a need to put him through all of these outrageous unwarranted and illegal acts. These acts which as I am finding out spanned entire communities and agencies of those who but for my case would never have commenced as the whistleblower program provides protections to those who are approved and have shown precise and clear reporting . However in my case they not only shared my personal non-public information but they also placed me on a hit-list to have me taken out , I guess thinking that they could all share in the large payout that they were all shown as coming to me. This lead to harassment, stalking me . intrusions into my bank accounts my emails , my religious activities, my family my love-life and my mental stability which was apparently too stable so they then began an attempted campaign to completely try and make me appear unstable - even paying people -un-known -to me to testify under oath about my character making false claims of me being "incompetent" of questionable character - and going as far as trying to have men state that I had been sexually involved with them even though I know for a fact that I have not - all of these undeniable atrocities were allowed on the court records of by the way a court in which all of it's BAR members have black-listed my name and there for I am being refused legal representation to even defend me or my good name all of them holding out for a share in the winnings of a purse that they had no business even looking in. I also was dumbfounded at the viscous efforts that were taken with regards to my former life -partner who had often told me one day I would be his wife , however after he was approached by this group was either willing or coerced to join and begin a relationship that was clearly meant to cause me to suffer heartache and emotionally distress just so this group could feel that they had somehow hit-me-with -their hardest-punch , But that wasn't all that they did they hired a witches coven to come and stand directly over my bed in an attempt to try and force me into a state of confusion , depression, of the feeling of dread that they had hoped would evolve into a suicide so that they could all share in the large purse that I had worked for yet they all for their own personal reasons felt they had a right to prevent me from receiving. I have been slandered ,shamed ,sexually exploited and blocked from fellowshipping after the planted-seducer told my former life partner that I was stalking her which was of course a completely fraudulent claim as this monster side-piece was so hell-bent on replacing me in his life that she began to do a fatal-attraction reformation and would come to my place of residence stalk me with the illegally placed surveillance and would copy my movements and my actions to later attempt to be me in public all of this to win at all cost a contest that they had no right to even be involved in ,to capture a purse that their hands were in illegally . I am at this point fed-up with trying to make a Government recognize their own involvement in the malicious-harassments and completely unwarranted interferences in my life as a protected whistle-blower who was just doing my job which I obviously did so well that they had to mount an -all-out -attack against me -
I have never in my 60 years here on earth been so completely abused , misused and falsely-accused by these MF arrogant low -level evasive pigs in my life and I can not wait to see you all face the punishments that you all overwhelmingly- deserve !
IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO REMEMBER TO CALL OUT TO THE MOST HIGH GOD - ( In fact He's waiting for you to call out and ask for guidance and ...