this stalker claims she's with Enforcement

so there is an insanely jealous and obsessed person /chic who has taken it upon herself to completely invade my rights to privacy my right to my spiritual destiny and my right to my free-will  to live the life that I see fit for me -   not a life that a sattanist  thinks that they can come to where I live and do death -spells over my head all night - this same insanely jealous "joy-stealer ' computer hacker and embezzeler who is also living in a home that is actually not her's but is in fact in my name, this person slept with my common-law husband  and then decided that she liked the view of life that I had been given so she/he then proceeded to illegally come to where I live and copy me, how I move how I talk walk work watching me naked in the bathrub and invading me sexually by posting  naked pictures on the dark -web  she has been trying to completely destroy my  good-pure-light and infect it every-night with her own ugly evil-vile wicked obsessive dark dim light , this person stands over my bed and attaches herself to harvest my energy - so that when she is in public she will appear to be genuine  and caring  full of love and compassion which ..... is how I am and if in fact she was then there would be NO need to come to where I am every night to plot on how to violate me and how to make me suffer simply for being a positive and well-liked person who focuses on love and light rather than being  envious and completely unable to respect the right's of another to be left alone and the right to be free from maliscious harassment  and hate crimes such as these that she is intentionally  and well knowingly committing - she claims to want to put an end to me thinking that she deserves my life better than I do .... who does this type of extremism controlling unstable bullying ? She does that's who ! and anyone who is allowing this tramp to come and intentionally attack my character and exploit my dignity my modesty and takes great pride in trying to affect my mental stability with these attacks meant to actually cause me to suffer mental duress . This person has intentionally tried to deprive me of the ability to rest with out being targeted even doing the most by bringing it to my personal sleeping space and to where I dress rest and where I bath getting so insanely jealous of my looks and my breast , ass and other unmentionables that she spends hours every night intentionally attacking my private parts to make me "less-attractive" as I guess the fact that at 60 yrs old myshapely sexy curves are a threat to her .... no wonder she had to do a triple sex-spell on my ex to get him to conform to her sexual advances. This person also blocks all attempts of my and my husband to talk . text or exchange emails even though the Bible says that when a man and woman are married as we clearly were that NO woman can take the spot where his real wife has the right - ie when she was trying to take complete control of our love life I remember my man saying that "we decided that we need to fast from sex " and I remember thinking who is this we ? as I realized that a woman who is jealous of another will often tell a man not to have sex  just to cause a rift in the relationship but this side-chic who was coveting everything that was in fact mine was just beginning to show her complete and utter out of control need to break apart anything that is good and try yo interfere and place herself in a role not meant for her to hold . I will leave this in the hands of my Father God who has always directed me and who has in fact given us the spiritual -path and destiny which this sattinist and witch from the coven feels is her right to demolish ! this is a shameful - selfish abusive intrusion into the lives of two -lovers destined to live a life of joy -and bliss and for that we are stalked , mocked and cock-blocked in fact I do believe that she feels that if she can not have my husband then NO one will and she is (if she hasn't already ) planning on either doing something to cause him to not exist or that we both are non-existant. as she has zero respect for our sanctaty of marriage and had the help of others in her illicit attempt to target  and assult not just my body but also my dignity my privacy my ability to survive and she sabatoges all of my work my blog -sites and impersonates me for her own profit so that she can use it to hire others to assist her delusional fear of that which is good so she can replace it with her dark vile evil workings of darkness and death .  I rebuke you satan YOU have no power over my life path and the callings that the most high God has spoken over me - NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO INTERFERE WITH ANOTHER'S SPIRITUAL PATH -IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN THE MOST HIGH GOD - KEEP THAT TO YOUR OWN SELF AND KEEP UT AWAY FROM TRYING TO FORCE MY WAY OF WORSHIPPING OUT AND REPLACING IT WITH YOUR OWN WICKED DARKNESS - THAT IS A VIOLATION OF MY RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE

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