those who make false claims .....

 So there has been an organized group of coven-members who hate the fact that I walk-alone with God as my defender and I do not have to organize with other bullies to stand against a person who's light- shine's in their eye's -here's a hint - either get a pair of Foster-Grant sunglasses to deflect the shine - Turn-with-in and realize that your problem with me is more about Jealousy -of what I do in my life and the blessings that the most -high-blesses me with for doing good when there are so many things that have been crafted against me by -bitter-envious -so called ex-friends-ex-family-members- and all of their wicked -low-level equally yoked-wicked-and evil doer's- that The Most High watched in amazement that even though  I could have retaliated against  you all out of self-defense I didn't and so HE continued to watch the things that are taking place and is taking notes on those  who are because there is a current -legal court hearing and let's not forget that  someone in this group also forged my signature , posed as me, profited off of an inheritance that as a 60 year -old disabled woman who is protected from being preyed-upon by vulchers-  who was ,has and is presently being severely preyed-upon- abused falsely accused and misused - with this tactic and  unjust abuse of another  and The most High is very proud that  I have STOOD UP against it  and this is madning  to them so they brought out  even more -evil and maliscious conduct of using the internet to steal funds meant for me or obstructing my access to court proceedings by gainging access to my mailbox or blocking internet links to my info -intentionally being blocked from that and from being able to connect with my life-partner who had been for over 20 years and in fact had a task to complete a spiritual -destination to accompany me on and  a Spiritual path and ordained mission from the Spirit -World he and I were selected to carry-out and walk this path together -so  through non-stop wickedness and covetting -spirits  they managed to completely take control of a spiritually -lead man and turned him into a man walking in the dark with sattanists and covens  even  standing over my bedroom from the apartment -directly above my own -chanting and doing black magic to prevent me from being able to gain access to what was left for me  with all of this forced - evil-intent-stalking and just plain wrong-doing to another with the specified intent to do as much harm/pain as all of them collectively could muster up against this, sincere -simple and couragous elderly -woman -who , by the looks of all of the efforts and attempts they have taken I must be a "Earth-Angel" who is  winning and giving all -praises  and credit to my crew - My Spirit-guides -My Ancestor's and AA (Michael- Gabriel-Ariel-Raziel-Raphael-Uriel who are not playing when it comes to having my back - and keeping me safe to do my job - if you are coming after me trying to steal kill or destroy me or anyone in my household or anyone who is meant to be in my life -think -again - as they are now and forever in the future protected by the same hedge that surrounds and protects guides and advises me and leads me - I am not perfect but I am able to humble my-self quickly so that I am not blocking this protection or in anyway  denied anything that I call on  when I am in need as the most high  surely does provide for those who He has a covenent with and are here as a light in this often much too dark world . May those who Pray for others rather than Prey on other's unite in prayer for a safer more kind more compassionate universe one where you cheer for one-another rather than sneer at them, one where you Smile at others rather than giving them the evil-eye, one where if you don't agree with what someone has to say , do , or anything else you remeber  that person has "free-will" to do what they choose to do, and that is none of your business .  Lastly for those evil doer's who are trying so desperatly to throw boulders in the path of an earth angel - may the same path that you have in mind for her be your actual path - and as you walk and realize how hard that path is may  you remember that you once thought it perfectly fine for someone else yet now realize that you were living in the dark and perhaps it's time to drop that way of thinking.of doing and of reacting on and walk towards the light -  

The Mountain of the Lord

        The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem  

and many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 4And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

5O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the LORD.

#PeaceMaker #SlayerOfEvilThoughts #BeTheLight #ManyAreCalled #VeryFewAreChosen #EarthAngelsAre2BRespected #NotPreyedUpon  


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