Violation of Spiritual Law and Federal Law -

I have witnessed numerous violations of both my Spiritual rights and my Federal witness protection laws . 

Under Spiritual Law I have been assaulted by a Witch-Coven who have continued to violate my body which is Private  Property. I am a not a dark -worker as they all are - I am assigned to carry-out a Mission of Peace here on Earth which is under the Spiritual Authority of the Most High God - when a demonic entity comes to where I am expected to have Peace from illicit demonic attacks and these witches refuse to respect that right and these witches are also involved in a legal -court case where they are trying to deceive the courts into believing that they are somehow worthy of an Inheritance where I am listed as the Legal -heir - Not only is this a huge violation of the law to come to the property of a witness where there assailant  is under - examination for a crime that they have committed against me  It is a violation of Law and being that I am held in -high-honor  by the Spiritual Authorities - I am calling these bad -actors out for the trespass and assault of my character as the negative -energy that they have intentionally aimed at me in an attempt to make me appear as someone that they truly know I am not , using a confusion -spell to achieve this reaction from me - This is witness tampering - abuse of a Protected Witness - Negligent actions against a divine authority of High honor and failing to acknowledge that they were clearly  out of order -clearly  desperate  and also delusional in their insanity of believing that they could even have any effects against me as they lack the knowledge that  they should have had prior to coming at me in an adverse aggressive and morally -unjustified way .

  1.  I hear -by  make a claim of Criminal assault of not only a Superior - Spiritual -Entity- holding a position of High-Honor which they knowingly and brazenly violated with an Attorney present-

    2.  Criminal Trespass of my personal divinity held in High -Honor and refusing to Back-down and retreat once I demanded them to Cease their illicit attempts to impede on my character  on my privacy and on my right to exercise my free -will as Federally  and Spiritually protected Entity. 


3- Violation RCW 9A.72.110

You have in fact lost  by default all and any remaining  legal -attempts to be heard in the court preceding as you all intentionally attempted to prevert not only my character , but also the rule of law by attempting to intimidate  a witness. +(1) A person is guilty of intimidating a witness if a person, by use of a threat against a current or prospective witness, attempts to:

(a) Influence the testimony of that person;
(b) Induce that person to elude legal process summoning him or her to testify;
(c) Induce that person to absent himself or herself from such proceedings; or
(d) Induce that person not to report the information relevant to a criminal investigation or the abuse or neglect of a minor child, not to have the crime or the abuse or neglect of a minor child prosecuted, or not to give truthful or complete information relevant to a criminal investigation or the abuse or neglect of a minor child.
(2) A person also is guilty of intimidating a witness if the person directs a threat to a former witness because of the witness's role in an official proceeding.
(3) As used in this section:
(a) "Threat" means:
(i) To communicate, directly or indirectly, the intent immediately to use force against any person who is present at the time; or
(ii) Threat as defined in *RCW 9A.04.110(27).
(b) "Current or prospective witness" means:
(i) A person endorsed as a witness in an official proceeding;
(ii) A person whom the actor believes may be called as a witness in any official proceeding; or 
(iii) A person whom the actor has reason to believe may have information relevant to a criminal investigation or the abuse or neglect of a minor child.
(c) "Former witness" means:
(i) A person who testified in an official proceeding;
(ii) A person who was endorsed as a witness in an official proceeding;
(iii) A person whom the actor knew or believed may have been called as a witness if a hearing or trial had been held; or
(iv) A person whom the actor knew or believed may have provided information related to a criminal investigation or an investigation into the abuse or neglect of a minor child.
(4) Intimidating a witness is a class B felony.

(5) For purposes of this section, each instance of an attempt to intimidate a witness constitutes a separate offense. 

 Cause of action Damages to be determined by the courts 

1.  Criminal misconduct -

2. Abuse of a Protected -Witness 

3. Attorney - Failure to advise and admonish client/clients of the obvious - criminal acts that were present as was the legal counsels duty to advise . 

4. Negligence - Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress

5. Breach -of -Peace of my private Non-public Domain 

 6. Illegal-Trespass ( My personal- bedroom- My Personal Bed  -My Body

7. Attempting to gain Legal or financial information illegally by 

A.Threat - 

B.Eve's -dropping -

C.Internet Intrusion 

So say it - 

M.Andres - 

 Witness in present Legal matter   underway before the Superior court in  Seattle WA. USA which I am Now forced to protect myself from danger and fear of  more unwarranted attacks due to Legal counsel's lack of  respect for the Rule of Law -and My status of being "held in  High-Honor " as a Spiritual Entity



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