BTW Arson is a crime

 So things are really getting out of control as these desperate thieves are so aggressively attempting to prevent my access to court records or to even get notifications about court dates , this has been so overtly done to intentionally obstruct justice and to cause me to lose -inheritance that was left for me and to cause me to be locked in poverty yet they have been doing this already violating me as the legal heir and having imposters lie under oath that they are me etc btw I do not have any minor children .... so if there is a "Monica"- who claims to be me and she has an underage child she is a fake !  This is an example of extreme pride arrogance GREED  and jealousy and it is time that all of these criminals are arrested and prevented from coming to where I live and causing the elderly and disabled tenants to perhaps have to escape a fire as there was a fire set on the second floor rec area just last night @2:30 AM that would amount to Arson as this has Gone TOO FAR ! 🚒🔥🧯 We are being bullied , harassed gang stalked accounts and cells phones hacked - playing mind games and intentionally causing trauma while slandering and stealing others work and stealing their revenue . 

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Agent falling for their mission partner
An instance of sex or intimacy which can happen during espionage is when an agent falls for his or her partner. In one example, an Israeli "champagne spy", Wolfgang Lotz, who pretended to be a former Afrika Corps vet, covered himself deep in German social circles in Egypt prior to the Six-Day War, and fell in love with his fake "German" wife, who converted to Judaism. Lotz divorced his real wife, who was Israeli, for his partner.[20]: 151 

Love, honeypots, and recruitment

See Sexpionage

U.S. intelligence services, for example, are concerned when their own personnel could be subject to sexual blackmail. This applied to any homosexual relationship until the mid-1990s, and also applied to heterosexual relationships with most foreign nationals.[11] See honeypots in espionage fiction for fictional examples. In some cases, especially when the national was a citizen of a friendly nation, the relationship needed to be reported. Failure to do so, even with a friendly nation, could result in dismissal.

One former CIA officer said that while sexual entrapment was not generally a good tool to recruit a foreign official, it was sometimes employed successfully to solve short-term problems. Seduction is a classic technique; "swallow" was the KGB tradecraft term for women, and "raven" the term for men, trained to seduce intelligence targets.[12]

During the Cold War, the KGB (and allied services, including the East German Stasi under Markus Wolf, and the Cuban Intelligence Directorate [formerly known as Dirección General de Inteligencia or DGI]) frequently sought to entrap CIA officers. The KGB believed that Americans were sex-obsessed materialists, and that U.S. spies could easily be entrapped by sexual lures.[citation needed] The best-known incident, however, was of Clayton Lonetree, a Marine guard supervisor at the Moscow embassy, who was seduced by a "swallow" who was a translator at the Embassy of the United States in Moscow. Once the seduction took place, she put him in touch with a KGB handler. The espionage continued after his transfer to Vienna, although he eventually turned himself in.

The Soviets used sex not only for direct recruitment, but as a contingency for a possible future need of kompromat of an American officer. The CIA itself made limited use of sexual recruitment against foreign intelligence services. "Coercive recruitment generally didn't work. We found that offers of money and freedom worked better".[11] If the Agency found a Soviet intelligence officer had a girlfriend, they would try to recruit the girlfriend as an access agent. Once the CIA personnel had access to the Soviet officer, they might attempt to double him.

Examples of people trapped by sexual means include:

  • Robert Osman, an American soldier stationed in Panama Canal Zone in 1933, was involved in a "honey trap" - Frema Karry, a young Russian girl in Robert Gordon Switz's network. Osman provided war plans. He was arrested, represented by socialist lawyer Louis Waldman (later lawyer for Walter Krivitsky), and imprisoned for 25 years
  • John Vassall, a British embassy official in Moscow, who was guided by the KGB into having sex with multiple male partners while drunk in 1954. The KGB then used photographs of this incident to blackmail Vassall into providing them with secret information.
  • Sir Geoffrey Harrison, the British Ambassador to the Soviet Union, was recalled to London in 1968 after he admitted to the Foreign Office that he had been having an affair with a Russian chambermaid at the embassy, of which he had been shown compromising photographs by the KGB.[13]
  • Mordechai Vanunu, an Israeli nuclear whistleblower.
  • Bernard Boursicot, a French diplomat, was entrapped by Shi Pei Pu, who was working for the Chinese (PRC) government in 1986. Shi Pei Pu, a male Chinese opera singer, successfully masqueraded as a woman and told Boursicot he was carrying Boursicot's child. The situation was fictionalized into the play M. Butterfly.
  • Clayton J. Lonetree, a U.S. Marine Sergeant embassy guard in Moscow, was entrapped by a female Soviet officer in 1987. He was then blackmailed into handing over documents when he was assigned to Vienna. Lonetree was the first U.S. Marine to be convicted of spying against the United States.
  • Irvin C. Scarbeck, a U.S. diplomat, was entrapped by a female Polish officer in 1961 and photographed in a compromising position. He was blackmailed into providing secrets.

    Agent falling for their mission partner
    An instance of sex or intimacy which can happen during espionage is when an agent falls for his or her partner. In one example, an Israeli "champagne spy", Wolfgang Lotz, who pretended to be a former Afrika Corps vet, covered himself deep in German social circles in Egypt prior to the Six-Day War, and fell in love with his fake "German" wife, who converted to Judaism. Lotz divorced his real wife, who was Israeli, for his partner.[20]: 151 

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