Are you a Victim ofAbuse

 Please Note: "I am protected under the ADA as I have a record of having and I have debilitating conditions that effect my life . With this being said ,to have some one intentionally then try and make me the target of their own hate-campaign based off of lies that have been spread behind my back and then to have complete strangers mistreat me to help the liar bully me and try and make me feel as if these illicit , foul and examples of cruelty are to be acceptable is insane ". 

Not only are they insane but they are in fact against the law . As if being stalked in public was not enough this crazy person then decided to try and make this into some type of game and began to completely violate me in any way that they could, which included opening my mail and rerouting it to another address and or also going to the USPS and paying the employees to withhold my mail or to let them have mail that was actually meant to be delivered to me . They went to court and paid others to lie and make false statements against me to slander and defame my name . Forged my signature and signed a marriage license in my name to be able to defraud the courts into allowing them illegal access to funds and assets that were left in an inheritance for me . This is where all of the other aggressive non-warranted abusive actions then began to take place .  

I have been completely and undeniably made to suffer at the hands of a criminal who thought that they could paint a picture of me as if I had done to them all the illicit abusive and uncalled for acts that they had in fact done to me.

But it wasn't enough so they then added a coven of witch's who came on a regular bases to attack me spiritually mentally and emotionally never letting up hoping to cause me to commit suicide , because this insane person "wanted to win at all cost " in spite of the fact that I was just minding my own business and trying to live my life to the best of my ability - With this person choosing  to make a career out of bullying me and hacking into my cell phone laptop bank accounts my social media accounts etc never ceasing these attacks even paying others to pose as property managers to steal my non-public private information which they immediately made public by sharing it on the darkweb  for a price . These actions have been done numerous times after this Stalker found photo's of myself and my life long -love whom she was obviously trying to make her own lover at this point or even during all of these hidden attacks upon me  while also telling him that I was doing these things to her , which was a complete and utter lie . This bad actor then went even further to try and destroy me by watching me with the use of an illegally place surveillance camera in my bedroom and also in my bathroom . Thwy used this to sit back and make comments about my looks and my body etc while also targeting my body my head my back etc with a weapon that felt like a microwave forced weapon that burned my skin when ot made contact this caused all of my hair on the top of my head to fall out, This was being done so that this monster could somehow feel as if she was prettier  or had better looks I am not sure what would make another person attack someone who was not attacking her back but this is only a partial assessment of the abusive mistreatment that I have had to survive while living here in Seattle and while being the target of what I have come to realize is an attack by my now ex-lover and his one night stand who decided that she wanted what I had and that what I had accomplished  in life ,she could profit from so she then gathered others and had my ex placed under spells to confuse his thoughts and to make him feel the same rage and hatred towards me that she herself felt, even tricking me by sending fake messages of prize winnings so that she could then login to my social media accounts and change my login credentials to her own start contacing my family members and started to also tell lies about me to establish a relationship that she would use later to steal from me and to further cause me to suffer losses that she felt I deserved to suffer simply because she felt that I did not deserve what I had infact earned and had worked for .  This person even hired a hit-man to come and kill me she did this at least 6 different times , even setting the elderly low-income apartment complex on fire not too long ago and also breaking windows and having people surround my apt from accessing neighboring apts which she and several of her wicked hate full other coven members decided to attack and make fun of my spiritual walk through spells and candle magic , chants and even having me raped in my dream state after learning about a sexual assault that happened as a child . This was done in hopes of causing me to kill myself through suicide, they would do spells to cause me to suffer pain loss of creativity loss of love , loss of hope that my life would ever get better , or that I would ever find anyone else to love  telling me that I was not worthy and that I was ugly, fat dumb, stupid and that no one would ever want to be with me etc .... this is coercive abuse - when someone tries to control the life of another trying to make them feel as if they are not meant to have a life free from the control and that their life is not worthy of being treated any way except abusive and destructive bullying a person to cause them to feel pain suffering and the negative  affects of being belittled and  disrespected .  Or  as this explains >     Coercive control is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim

What is psychological coercion?

It describes a variety of controlling acts including manipulation, intimidation, sexual coercion, gaslighting (a form of psychological abuse in which a victim is manipulated into doubting their own memory and sanity).


What are acts of coercive control?

Coercive control is a pattern of behaviors that enables someone to exert power over another person through fear and control. Coercive control can happen in any type of intimate relationship and includes behaviors such as insulting the other person, making threats, exerting financial control, and using sexual coercion  

 here are some of the effects -

  • Self-doubt

  • Irritability Confusion and difficulty making decisions Feeling fearful and constantly walking on egg-shells Low self-confidence Loss of enthusiasm Frequent headaches and/or migraines Digestive issues Stress-related physical issues such as heart conditions Anxiety Depression Intrusive thoughts and memory problems Sleep or eating disorders Substance abuse Self-harm Suicidal thoughts and/or attempts

It is clear that verbal abuse cannot be minimized to the simple ‘sticks and stones’ saying, but in fact often results in the development of a range of health issues, both mental and physical. Moreover, we must always remember that verbal abuse is often accompanied by other forms of abuse which can have a huge emotional and physical toll on victims.


  CREDIT TO>https://belfastwomensaid.org.uk/verbal-abuse-in-relationships-coercive-control-tactics/

Cruelty Abuse of a "African American Woman " for their own Greed

 1[Whoever, being the husband or the relative of the husband of a woman, subjects such woman to cruelty shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.

Explanation.—For the purposes of this section, "cruelty means"—

(a) any wilful conduct which is of such a nature as is likely to drive the woman to commit suicide or to cause grave injury or danger to life, limb or health (whether mental or physical) of the woman; or

(b) harassment of the woman where such harassment is with a view to coercing her or any person related to her to meet any unlawful demand for any property or valuable security or is on account of failure by her or any person related to her to meet such demand.]

  credit > https://justlaw.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Article-SS-498-A-Dowry.pdf



by Sriranga. S, Advocate , Bangalore

We must ask ourselves how far we have come. What distinguishes us in what
we perceive to be a civilized society, from the State of Nature theorized by Hobbes,
Locke and Rousseau in the 17th Century? The state of nature, described by Thomas
Hobbes as “
bellum omnium contra omnes,” or “the war of all against all,” in which

only the fittest survived in the society of men, without a common power.

It is a well-known fact that no Society can succeed without the rule of law or a
necessary social order, which is an essential prerequisite for peace, liberty, stability,
economic growth, development, and host of other characteristics which we now take
for granted. This profound fact has resonated in our minds when we are reminded of
horrific atrocities that are occurring on a daily basis in our society, from the Nirbhaya
gang rape to the Nithari killings, and the list goes on. We are quick to condemn, in the
most vociferous manner, inhumane and barbaric atrocities committed on fellow
citizens and stand united when faced with such an outright threat to the Rule of Law
that we have strived to achieve. On the other hand, we ought to ask ourselves,
whether this outrage in the face of an obvious threat would be equally demonstrated
when encountered with an implicit threat to our liberty and equality.

The Indian Legislature has passed various enactments with the intention of
protecting the rights of women and to eliminate cruelty against women in all forms.
Some of these significant Legislations are The Protection of Women from Domestic
Violence Act 2005, The Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention,
Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013, The Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act 1987,
the Dowry Prohibition Act 1961, the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act 1956, The
Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act 1986, The National
Commission for Women Act 1990 and The Indian Penal Code 1860. These issues are
not peculiar in the Indian context and such laws are enacted in various countries with
similar object. Some of these laws worth mentioning are The Australian Domestic
Violence and Protection Orders Act 2001, The Japan Prevention of Spoucal Violence
and the Protection of Victims 2001, The Malaysia Domestic Violence , The Mauritius
Protection from Domestic Violence Act 1997, The Singapore Women’s Chapter
1961, The South Africa Domestic Violence Act 1998, The Sri Lanka Prevention of


Domestic Violence Act 2005, The United Kingdom Domestic Violence, Crime and

Victims Act 2004 and the Zimbabwe Domestic Violence Act 2006.

One of the evils which has plagued the Indian society is the crime relating to

Dowry. Even though the Dowry Prohibition Act came into force in the year 1961, the

crimes relating to it seemed to have been on the increase which has lead to the

requirement to bring in more stringent Legislations. One set of amendments in this

direction which amended the Indian Penal Code, the Code of Civil Procedure and the

Indian Evidence Act have been introduced by the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act

1983 (Act No 43 of 1983) and the Criminal Law (2nd Amendment) Act 1983 (Act No

46 of 1983.

One of the amendments introduced by the 2nd Amendment Act is Section

498A which reads as follows:

Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty

Whoever, being the husband or the relative of the husband of a woman,

subjects such woman to cruelty shall be punished with imprisonment for a

term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.

Explanation: For the purpose of this section, “cruelty” means

a. any willful conduct which is of such a nature as is likely to drive the

woman to commit suicide or to cause grave injury or danger to life,

limb or health (whether mental or physical) of the woman; or

b. harassment of the woman where such harassment is with a view to

coercing her or any person related to her to meet any unlawful

demand for any property or valuable security or is on account of

failure by her or any person related to her to meet such demand.

This provision of law has now had a history of three decades and has been the

subject matter of various judgments of all Courts in India including the Supreme

Court of India. The Courts have gone on expanding and explaining the scope and

ambit of this provision of law and Courts have also tried to adapt the provision to

various new developments and requirements which have arisen from time to time.

From the laudable objective of this provision contained in the Amending Act of 1983,


it has now reached a stage where the Supreme Court in Arnesh Kumar vs. State of

Bihar and Anr reported in (2014) 8 SCC 273, has held that Section 498A has a

"dubious place of pride amongst the provisions that are used as a weapon rather than a

shield by disgruntled wives".

Indian Society has come a long way since 1983, when Section 498A was

incorporated into the Indian Penal Code by the Criminal Law (Second Amendment)

Act, 1983. The same Amendment which also added Section 113 to the Indian

Evidence Act that presumed the abetment of suicide of a woman by her husband or a

relative of her husband in the event that she committed suicide within 7 years of the

date of her marriage and it could be shown that her husband or his relatives had

subjected her to cruelty. It is apparent, more than thirty years after the Amendment

that what was promulgated as a legislation to criminalize the victimization of helpless

women against domestic violence and dowry, has now become the double-edged

sword of the very society that rooted for it to begin with. Perhaps a glance at the

legislative intent behind the inclusion of Section 498A into the Indian Penal Code,

would give us some perspective on the change that it has undergone in terms of its

usefulness of implementation.

In the 1980’s and before, incidences of “Dowry death” and domestic abuse as

a result of dowry or lack thereof, were rampant and surely and steadily rising. Many

women suffered and continue to suffer atrocities in silence, out of fear and

helplessness with being unable to change their situation in life. Fear of divulging the

truth of their domestic situation, lest graver offences be meted out to them and unable

to muster up the courage to do anything about it, thousands of women were tortured

and killed and their lives destroyed due to nothing other than greed. In order to

prevent and make punishable instances of cruelty against women and the subjection

of women to brutality and inexplicable exploitation, Sections 498A and Section 304 B

(which defines dowry death) were incorporated into the Indian Penal Code by Act No.

46 of 1983 and 43 of 1986. With the intent of protecting women from marital

violence and abuse, the practice of Dowry and other related crimes was criminalized

in the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, the Criminal Procedure Code, the Protection of

Women from Domestic Violence Act, the Evidence Act, and of course the Indian

Penal Code.

Significant amongst the above legislations was the Dowry Prohibition Act,

1961 which consolidated the anti-dowry laws that were in existence and formed a


uniform code on dowry prohibition that was to be read in consonance with the

relevant Sections of the Indian Penal Code.

A perusal of the Statement of Objects and Reasons of the Criminal Law( 2nd

Amendment) Act of 1983 explains the reasons that led to the Amendment to be that a

Joint Committee of the Houses, examined the working of the Dowry Prohibition Act,

1961 and gathered that cases of cruelty by husbands and relatives of the husband

which culminated in suicide or murder of helpless women constituted only a small

fraction of the cases involving such cruelty which resulted in general amendments

which not only tried to address the issue of dowry deaths but also other forms of

cruelty and harassment.

India is also party to a host of International Human Rights Agreements,

Covenants and Instruments, which contemplate the abolition of dowry related crimes,

many of which are albeit on a theoretical level. Among these instruments are the

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic,

Social and Cultural Rights and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of

Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), which was ratified by India in 1994.

CEDAW is noteworthy as it contains specific reference to the abandonment of

“traditional attitudes by which women are regarded as subordinate to men or as

having stereotyped roles which perpetuate widespread practices involving violence or

coercion, such as dowry death.”

It would be of relevance to note that many other nations also have laws

relating not only to cruelty against women, but cruelty with respect to Dowry in

particular, which include Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Kenya, among others.

Nepal has an enactment called the “Social Customs and Practices Act” that

criminalizes the practice of dowry. Bangladesh has a “Dowry Prohibition Act, 1980,”

which criminalizes the taking and giving of dowry with a maximum penalty of 5

years of imprisonment. This Act was amended in 1986, which made the penalty for

claiming Dowry a non-bailable and non-cognizable offence,1 with certain exceptions

in the case of persons to whom Sharia Law applies. The equivalent enactment in the

case of Pakistan is the “Dowry and Bridal Gift (Restriction) Act, 1976 which restricts

the amount of Dowry/Mehr that can be given to PKR 5000/-. However, there is no

mention of dowry specifically in the Penal Code of Pakistan.

1 Ordinance 36 of 1986


Some of the judgments of the Supreme Court which have interpreted the width

and ambit of Section 498A are,

a) Vanaka Radhamanohari vs Venaka Venkata Reddy (1993) 3 SCC 4

affirmed in Sarah Mathew vs Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases

(2014) 2 SCC 62; The Supreme Court held that the maxim

vigilantibus, et non dormientibus, jura subveniunt is not applicable to

offences relating to cruelty to women in matrimonial cases. The

question should be judged in the light of Section 473 of the CrPC and

therefore the limitation prescribed in Section 468 of CrPC would not

strictly apply.

b) Ramesh Kumar vs State of Chatisgarh (2001) 9 SCC 618; It has been

held that Section 498 A and 306 of the IPC are independent provisions

and constitute different offenses. Proving of offense under one

provision does not depend on the other.

c) Giridhar Shankar Tavade vs State of Maharashtra (2002) 5 SCC 177;

Supreme Court has explained as to what constitutes cruelty. Supreme

Court has held that the word cruelty as expressed by the Legislature is

attributable to two specific instances explained in the explanations.

One has an element of physical injury and the other lacks the element

of physical injury. One is patent and the other is latent. However, both

are equally serious in nature. Court has also held that even under

Article 136, Court can take note of mis-appreciation of evidence by the

lower Courts if it leads to utter perversity.

d) Reema Aggarwal vs Anupam (2004) 3 SCC 199; The term husband

has been defined to mean and specifically include such persons who

contract marriages ostensibly and cohabit with such women in the

purported exercise and role as a husband. Such person would be

amenable to be punished under Section 498A. A person indulging in

bigamy comes within the sweep of the said provision and there can be

no impediment in law for liberal construction in this regard.

e) Ramesh vs State of TN (2005) 3 SCC 507; The starting point of

limitation would be when the woman leaves the matrimonial home or

the last act of cruelty.

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