Royalty mindset
A Royalty mindset Is being able to spot the opposition and the games they play to keep you stuck while lying to your face and having multiple partners who told lies of "my" being involved in somethings that she knew that I was not involved in ,just to get my spiritual life partner to commit to her instead of living a life of abundance with peace and tranquility and even a son But you were mislead on purpose to believe lies by the enemy of demons to think that they were all good and that I was bad when everyone else knew full and well that you were actually passing up the chance of a lifetime to finally get to to live the life that you had always dreamed of and longed for except your lust for flesh was just too much ( plus the confusion magic and sex binding trickery mkultra included -which were present to help cloud your thoughts and emotions in the wrong direction) Royalty mindset is also being able to purservere in spite of all the unwarranted assaults of my good character and the abusive behavior of those who wanted to swap my destiny or steal my good fortune creativity and innovative new ideas for their wicked- demonic-life which would never -happen in this lifetime- all while cleverly making moves to have these same opps charged for the insidious crimes false claims and criminal offense's in the spiritual court and the judicial system and all I can say now is "I hope that the Pu$$y was worth it" because you turned your back on the one woman who you should have married while you married the demon sent to you as a test of how well you resist temptation and guess what ? You failed !!!!! You failed in such a disastrous way that you have a first row spot in line for the lake of fire ,and its hot 🔥 I'm also sure there will be lots of screaming just like you like ! #enjoyYourswim
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