Abuse of Power by Corporations Communities and Covens

 You are hereby placed on notice that I am holding you in Judgement for the role you played in the mistreatment of -" The Chosen " by those who have taken it upon yourselves to Go Too Damn Far !  Filled with Envy Evil Greed Jealousy Strife ,a malicious Retaliatory mindset - You felt that assaulting a woman and then allowing an entire city along with Corporations to get involved in tampering with the physical mental financial spiritual and Emotional Stability of a couple due to your Incompetent belief that you could do what ever you wanted to do to us because you felt that you all had the power to do it - So you aimed your demonic wickedness at a woman who was minding her own business and you invaded her privacy by placing cameras and tapping into her electronics and cell phone communication's to Stalk her , you then decided to go even further and involved her life partner and the man who was fated to go in a preordained spiritual journey with this woman who you all also knew was a Light in the community and also has a divine purpose which was to help and not to hurt others as you unrighteous demons have done . You tried to railroad my life partner into a fraudulent marriage contract with a jezebel- spirit that you partnered with and this evil spirit forever - faking as if she were here to help  others was in fact here to hurt him and to destroy our divine union and prevent our destiny - But that wasn't enough so she aling with the other society members colluded to completely obstruct every aspect of respect that one neighbor or friend should show to another working nonstop to create hardships and cause the target to experience pain and suffering that was meant to cause the one person who you all collectively voiced your "hatred" for to be killed in fact they made up lies about this innocent woman  to place her in a government watch list , and a 'Do not pay list " to interrupt her financial stability  and cause her to experience hardships but that wasn't enough so while you used pulse-force   weapons to cause her body immense burning  - pain  and a tumor to form and at the same time you blocked her disability benefits and her survivors benefits the entire time that you all worked to violate and continue to try and destroy this woman treating her as if she dyd not deserve to be respected as a  Woman who was just trying to survive In what should have been the privacy of her own bedroom bathtub and toilet as you recorded her without her prior consent and then began to assault her even more aggressively when she began to complain about the abusive behavior .  You have gone too far and have done too much and You will be judged by the most high for abusing his children and his chosen ones !  I stand against every evil demonic effort that you have brought to my privacy and intentionally interrupted I rebuke every sexually motivated attempt to exploit myself and my life partner  you have violated us to the end of any comprehend of reasons for doing so except that you felt that you could treat some people one way and another people another way due to your feeling of having power over them  and for that you are all being held in spiritual - judgement for the crime of abusing your power to intentionally cause harm pain suffering losses and even death in some cases. !  May the most high show you all who has the real Power  !   It has been spoken ! 

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fricken ridiculous behavior towards Blacks here in Everett Washington

 So as most of you know  (especially those of you who have been making a living racially  harassing ,stalking mocking and blocking us for ye...

Office of Victims of Crimes -Offers assistance to Victims

"The Office for Victims of Crime, a part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, seeks to enhance victims’ rights and services for all victims across the United States. The Office for Victims of Crime offers a wealth of resources for the crime victims field, including publications, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and more."