
noun,plural jeal·ous·ies 
  1. jealous resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself.

 A note to Men when dealing with a female friend , coworker , female cousin, or even a mother - If you are the type of Male who is one to tell all of your business to any of these females listed  then you must know that this is the easiest way for them to develop a jealousy against the female in your life . They will also see you as a challenge wondering if she can some how convince him to cheat on his mate - perhaps saying that it would be just their little secret or that he would be better off with someone else other than his mate due  to jealousy of the close bond that the Male has been openly sharing with females who are not emotionally mature enough to be able to appreciate the fact that there are some females and males who actually do get along well - it's just when another nosey female tries to interfere with this union feeling as if they have gained from intentionally causing a breakup between 2 people who did not need any of the interferences'  from any outside sources . I know that females can often be very catty and petty when it comes to how they view a female who is involved with a male relative of theirs or even sometimes a sister may get all caught up in her own jealousy when it comes to hearing her brother , or brother-in law talking about his love for a female whom they then start to resent , simply because they lack the emotional maturity to be able to appreciate that there are some people who find love and are happy -and there for they could also just show happiness for them rather than to decide to destroy the happiness that is being discussed . These females will then begin to lie and even love bomb the male telling him things like "well I don't think that she's good enough for you bro" or perhaps they will say something like " I bet that she _____ " fill in the space with any derogatory statement that a jealous female will say about another female simply because she has not worked on her own maturity and ability to not get all caught up in her own feelings of becoming jealous about someone else' happiness so they then do everything to tear this union apart often even suggesting other females for the male to date or hook up with just to cause a rift and to have something to hold over the female or the male as leverage . 

I have never been the type of female to feel jealous of other's happiness and I would have to say that I am quite aware that I can be happy for someone else with out losing my sense of happiness and love for who I am - I do not feel a need to compare who I am to any other female and I would like to feel that my man would know that if he were discussing me with another female and this female would say something that  sounded out of character with who I am  , that he should question her and not question me  or even ask me about it as I am always open to being honest with the man that I am in love with .

I do know that it is a shame when there are so many low vibing females who are hell -bent on ruining someone else's joy . and this is a sad way of living . I have heard so many lies spread about me . from calling me a woman who is after my mans money ? When I have never ever had to rely on any man to pay my way through life and in fact I have always been the type to assist in the bills. I have been accused of being dark and doing dark things that I have never ever done - I have never had to manipulate a man to be with me in any relationship nor have I ever had to resort to lying to a man about a pregnancy just to keep him , or to get him to commit to me like some other fake women have been known to do - and Fella's if a woman who knows that you have another woman tells you out of the blue that she is pregnant ... chances are that she has been sleeping around with others or she is doing so just to try and get you to leave your other female in hopes of committing to her only for you to eventually find out that the baby was not even  yours and now you have messed up a perfectly happy relationship in exchange for a liar and a manipulator who will eventually end up swindeling away all of your money -  it is not worth you losing your soul to the devil just because you talked too much about your happiness with another female and so my tip to brothers  who might have this problem , do not let another female in to your relationship if you want to stay happy because there are some who are not able to feel the happiness that you feel and only see your mate as someone who they now despise and will do anything to try and get you to cheat on her to leave her or to even cause her harm simply because you are dealing with some emotionally immature females who do not love themselves and therefor are not able to be happy for you and your relationship - do not fall for the old smiling in your face while trying to replace you type of female - is my next type of jealousy that will be discussed in our next short tips for those who need to hear it . 


M- A  9/14/23 

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