ABUSIVE BULLYING B YTHOSE WHO FEEL THAT THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO COME AND ABUSE ME  WHILE I'M IN WHAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE THE PRIVACY OF MY OWN BEDROOM - BY THE SAME DOMESTIC TERRORISTS WHO HAVE BEEN DOING WITCHCRAFT TO INTENTIONALLY CAUSE ME TO FEEL PAIN AND TO CAUSE PERSONAL DEFICITS TO MY BODY - MY LOOKS MY CREATIVITY , MY HAIR MY WEIGHT ANYTHING THAT THESE LOWLIFE JEALOUS LOSERS FEEL THEY CAN AFFECT - WITH THEIR SO CALLED POWERS - THESE ABUSERS HAVE BEEN INTENTIONALLY TELLING LIE AFTER LIE ABOUT ME TO CONTINUE THIS MORE THAN 4 YEAR HATE-CRIME BASED ON MY ? RACE ? MY DISABILITIES ( AS THEY ARE OFTEN KNOWN TO SLIP TO LOWS OF CALLING OUT MY HARDSHIPS AS IF I AM HERE FOR THEM TO EXPLOIT AND TO USE AS THE BUTT OF MOST OF THIER JOKES ) HOWEVER AS I SIT HERE IN MY BED AND I FIND MYSELF ONCE AGAIN HAVING TO ACTIVELY YELL OUT FOR THEM TO "NOT" COME TO WHERE I RESIDE WITH THEIR ABBUSIVE HOSTILITY AND ABUSIVE ACTIONS THAT HAVE BEEN TARGETED TOWARDS ME - I AM FRICKING TIRED OF THESE BITCHES WHO ARE NOTHING MORE THAT BULLIES WHO ROAM IN PACKS AND LOOK FOR VUNERABLE IN MY CASE A WOMAN WHO AT ALMOST 61 YEARS OLD HAVE BEEN CONSTANTLY SHOWN NO RESPECT AND IN FACT ALOT OF THIS IS DUE TO THEIR OWN GREED AND LUST FOR Y FUNDS THAT THEY HAVE ALL BEEN TOLD EXIST AND ARE WAITING FOR ME SINCE THEY ARE ACTUALLY MINE AND NOT ANYONE ELSE'S YET THESE CONS SOMEHOW HAVE CONVINCED THEMSELVES THAT THEY CAN MANIPULATE THEM FROM ME SO THAT THEY CAN THEN CONTINUE TO STEAL THEM AND USE THEM FOR THEIR OWN PERSONAL USE - AND I WONDER WHERE DID THEY THINK THAT THIS WOULD ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO BE CARRIED OFF AT ? BECAUSE THEY HAVE CONTINUED TO COME AND TARGET ME BASED ON MY RACE I DO BELEIVE BECAUSE THEY HAD BEEN HEARD COMPLAINING ABOUT ME NOT LOOKING LIKE A PERSON WHO THE MOST HIGH WOULD HAVE SELLECTED AS A "CHOSEN ONE' YET THEY HAVE TRIED TO BEAT THIS OUT OF ME THINKING THAT  WHAT / THEY HAD EARNED THE TITLE ? BECAUSE NO MATTER HOW THEY PERSONALLY FEEL ABOUT ME AND WHAT I HAVE BEEN PLACED HERE TO DO THEY WOULD HAVE TO ACTUALLY SPEAK TO THE MOST HIGH ABOUT THEIR ARGUMENT OF WHO SHOULD AND WHO SHOULD NOT HAVE A LABLE - IT'S FUTILE TO BE COMING AFTER ME WHICH IN AND OF IT'S SELF PROVES THE INTENTIONAL MALICE ( WHICH IS HATE) FOR ME SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO BUSY LOOKING AT MY OUTER SELF RATHER THAN BEING ABLE TO SEE WHAT IS ON THE INSIDE - BUT I HAVE ALSO BEEN TAUGHT THAT MOST PEOPE WHO RUN IN PACKS ARE SOMEWHAT  MISSING THE PART THAT A NORMAL BEING WITH COMPASSION CAN FEEL FOR ANOTHER - I HAVE BEEN EDUCATING MYSELF ON THIS TYPE OF HATE GROUP AND I DID COME ACCROSS SOME INTERESTING INFO RELATING TO THE CHINESE REPUBLIC AND THEIR HARVESTING OF ENERGY FROM STARS - AND I DO FELL THAT THESE BAD ACTORS ARE CONNECTED WITH THE EFFORTS OF THE CHINESE TO CAUSE THOSE WHO ARE OBVIOCLY VIBRATING ON A MUCH HIGHER VIBRATION THAN THEY HAPPEN TO BE VIBING - BUT STILL THIS DOES NOT JUSTIFY THE ABUSIVE MISCONDUCT THAT HAS BEEN ALLOWED TO COME TO WHERE I AM ATTEMPTING TO REST HEAL AND SLEEP AND WHERE I HAVE ASKED NUMEROUS TIMES TO BE PROTECTED FROM AS I LIVE IN A FEDERAL TAX CREDIT HOUSING COMPLEX WHICH RECEIVES  A TAX BREAK FROM THE IRS , YET THIS COMPLEX HAS FAILED TO DELIVER TO ME THE SAME FAIR TREATMENT THAT IS OFFERED TO OTHER TENANTS AND THIS BRINGS ME TO THE POINT OF RELIZATION THAT THIS COMPLEX REALLY NEEDS TO BE CHARGED WITH BEING LIABLE FOR THE DAMAGES THAT THEY HAVE KNOWN HAS BEEN OCCURING AGAINST ME FOR MORE THAN THE 2+ YEARS THAT I HAVE LIVED HERE IN SEATTLE WA - Fair Housing Basics Section A: A Brief History The Civil Rights Act of 1866 guaranteed property rights to all, regardless of race. It was another hundred years before any real change in fair housing came about, with the passage of the federal Fair Housing Act – Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which added color, national origin, religion and sex. The Fair Housing Act represented the culmination of years of congressional consideration of housing discrimination legislation. Its legislative history spanned the urban riots of 1967, the release of the Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (the Kerner Commission Report, which concluded that America was moving toward two societies, separate and unequal), and the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In 1988, President Reagan signed the Fair Housing Amendments Act, adding two more protected classes – families with children and people with disabilities, strengthening the administrative and judicial enforcement process for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) complaints, and providing monetary penalties in cases where housing discrimination is found to have occurred. Section B: Fair Housing Laws 1. What fair housing laws apply in Washington state and who enforces them? The federal Fair Housing Act and its 1988 amendments (FHA) protect people from negative housing actions that occur because of their race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, or family status, which are “protected classes” under the FHA. State and local fair housing laws cover additional groups, such as marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age,  3. What housing actions are prohibited by fair housing laws? Fair housing laws prohibit the following housing actions:  Refusing to rent to someone or telling someone that a rental is not available even though it is, because of his or her protected class.  Discriminating  Failing to provide reasonable accommodations to a person with a disability, refusing to allow a disabled resident to make reasonable modifications, or failing to meet access requirements. [Examples: Refusing to let a blind resident live with a guide dog or not permitting a disabled person to install bathroom grab bars. Having an on-site leasing office that is inaccessible.]  Enforcing a neutral rule or policy that has a disproportionately adverse effect on a protected class,  3  Retaliating against a resident or applicant because he or she has asserted fair housing rights or has been a witness in a fair housing investigation. [Examples: Refusing to make prompt repairs because a resident filed a fair housing complaint. Evicting a resident because he was a witness in a civil rights investigation.] This applies for informal verbal complaints to management as well as formal discrimination cases filed with a civil rights agency. Even though the original allegation might turn out to be unfounded, if a housing provider takes retaliatory action, a retaliation complaint can be supported. [Example: A resident complains of racial harassment. A week later, the manager issues her a parking violation notice, but does not give notices to other residents for the same offense. The resident files a harassment and retaliation complaint. The civil rights office finds no evidence of harassment; however, the investigation shows that the manager retaliated against the resident for the harassment complaint by issuing the parking notice.]

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