A note to the Agent's investigating this case - INFORMATION

 What makes people become so obsessed with trying to tear a person down simply because of their feelings or their  ego's , or perhaps due to jealousy , envy ,greed, or resentment - either way these are in no- way credible reason's to try and have some one taken out - due to multiple lies about things that I supposedly had done ? which I knew nothing about , these people organized to form a huge conspiracy of bad actor's to come against 1 (sometimes 2) innocent 60+ year old venerable "Black-female" during Covid -19 where they stalked me and managed to deprive me of my right's to relief by having my Federal Benefit's taken away for over 7 months without  really any reason except that they were all collectively trying to cause me to suffer a loss and a financial hardship for speaking out against all of these abusive action's which were being intentionally aimed at me, even causing me to fear leaving my apartment due to all of the over-aggressive actions by the same bad actors' who had stolen funds , caused all of the pain suffering and and intentional distress  upon me and now are having to finally face the music ! 

lying about having multiple sexual partners could be a motive for some of them being that they had told lies to member's of a spiritual connection about me being sexually involved with multiple partner's which they knew were not true , yet said these lies to try and deflect their own lascivious actions and sins . I have been lied to falsely accused ,abused and set-up to look as if I had done to all of them what they were actually doing to me - I was sexually exploited and they had a non-authorized hidden camera placed in my bedroom and also in my bathroom  all without my prior consent - when ever I would enquire about these camera's or even any of the other malicious harassments acting as if they were not aware that these actions were occurring even questioning why someone would want to stalk me saying that I was not doing anything important to even be considered important enough for anyone to WANT to waste their time stalking me , which is insulting considering the facts to this case which show an obsessive- need to try and control my every move and my ability to try and survive (during Covid-19 ) As a result I did end up in the hospital when I could no longer control my legs and other abilities due to being targeted within my -apartment in Snohomish County , where they found a tumor had formed on my spine I believe from the weapons that were being aimed at my spine from the neighbors who lived above and around us .  The attacks took on a much more aggressive nature after I relocated to King County and they began to target my looks , my face my teeth , my head and burned off the top  portion of my hair  from my head (I Even saved the hair that fell out in my hand )  They targeted my body and tried to affect my weight and did spells to affect my appeal so that other's would not see me as someone who they held in high esteem . The coven of witch's would regularly come to where I was now residing in king County to attempt to cause me to commit suicide by first violating my HIPPA rights and going through my charts and invading my privacy when I spoke to my therapist about a previous sexual assault . This crude group of witch's then thought that having me raped again would hopefully cause me to slip so far into despair that they arranged a gang rape to take place in my dream-state which is still just as real as in my awaken state as I can still feel the effects and my body showed bruises and other identifying marks of an unauthorized assault upon me . This happened at least 2 times and I feel that it was being done to intentionally do as much damage and intentional mental distress and  mental  anguish that it was meant to  cause hoping that it would lead to me committing suicide ! WHAT MONSTER'S WOULD DO THIS TO SOMEONE ? The same monster's who had plotted with my now ex- caregiver and who I had believed would become my husband as we had been living together prior to his sudden announcement that he would be moving from Snohomish county where we stayed together , to now moving to his own apt in King county and I was left to scramble and find an affordable place to move to . 

There was one female who was excessively more focused on causing me to suffer as this female wanted to (after stalking me and watching what I do )  she decided that she not only wanted to marry my Man but she also wanted to have me killed so that she could replace me in his  life and pretend to be me  collecting all of the inheritance and trust-fund money that had been withheld from me for over 40 years by the court system - who will claim that my housing insecurity was the reson why they had not been able to reach me and pay me the funds which became available to these frauds who stole it by pretending to me and he acting as my husband , yet he had not actually married me often telling me that he felt that he wanted to be single or telling me thay he felt that "I was not worthy of being his wife -yet he liked receiving all the benefits of being in a loving relationship as if we were working on moving towards a marriage - that is until the female (who claimed to be with enforcement ) told lies to him about me knowing that he'd be triggered to then cheat and give in to the temptation that she was constantly throwing at him hoping to get him to get me locked up so that she could gain access to all of my assets and then have him arrested so that she could clean us both out , doing all of this illegally and without any remorse feeling as if she was above the law - this female acted with EXTEME hatred and jealousy towards me  gaining access to my accounts and blocking my access to my now ex (that she was in fact probably already sexually involved with , yet if he and i were in fact considered married as he claimed then they would have a motive to try and keep me silent since I knew that they were both creeping around and later found out  just how deceptive, violent and obsessive  this fake woman who claimed to have more talent than me and that she would be a better mate for him  than me since they were both on the same page (evil- page )  etc - But was really more focused on getting at both of our finances and assets by claiming to have gotten pregnant by him (which was a lie -done to get him to marry her and forsake me ) This is a spiritual crime as she knew that we had been destined to go on a spiritual journey which included having a family together , so this pit-bull hooked on to him with her teeth and refused to let go even willing to hire several hit-men to try and kill me - this person brought witchcraft into my life against my free will so that she could "win at all cost" and now it's about to cost her everything even her freedom .... 

+looking forward to seeing this case finally come to a  close and to get my life  back  to being livable where I can help heal not only my self but also my community +




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