my life my story my victory !

This abusive misconduct surrounding the organized gang stalking - corp abuse , trauma, fraudulent illegal court,sexual abuse and coercion ,with the goal of having my life partner , family member's, friends or anyone that they could use who was associated with me to achieve the goal of embezzling my money or anything that was of value in my life including my stability mentally emotionally spiritually , financially , and to completely pervert the minds of my children and  my life partner who up until now I have believed that we were meant to be life partner's and live in peace - boy was I wrong !!

This has to be the most outrageous display of abuses against an innocent woman who had been under attack for a great deal of her life after most of the world had knowledge of my birthright- and my mission here on earth  (and of course  had - hidden from me)  

Where does one begin when one's world has been completely torn apart by those who had secretly been holding a grudge against my some since grade school , some since my birth , others just because of my ability to bring clarity and solutions to matters that others can waste years to figure out a solution and I when asked give the solution in minutes without effort as my coworker's and even my life partner jeered and spoke under -their breath " oh how I hate her- always winning always the one to get the best score  , how I'd love to just once see her walking down the street and drive through the big puddle right next to where she's walking just to get it all of tape so that me and the crew can have a real good laugh off of her downfalls , like we do and have done for so long that it's almost become second nature I guess , I don't really know what we'd actually ALL do if we didn't have Monica as our personal piƱata-)

And the sad part is that I was aware of the fact that I was being gang stalked , but what I would have never fathomed is the magnitude of planning and plotting it took to devise such an insanely demonic and abusive scheme which was  not just mentally abusive but also sexually abusive and not just to me  but also to everyone who I have loved and anyone who they even thought that I might love - These monster's had to make sure that they had done so much damage that I was not supposed to still be alive and since that didn't pan out and now that there are investigators and federal agents actively involved in also looking at the unsurmountable damages that all of these illegal unwarranted invasions to a family who had already suffered after losing a Husband/Dad and then a home due to predatory lending which of course lead to losing my then minor children because I had no home in which to care for them and no way of knowing that there was a trust fund that was being hidden from me and my ability to have been able to have used those available funds specifically left for me to save my family and to save my home from the fraudsters that place profit over a families stability even after that family had proven that one of the parents was shown to be suffering with debilitating health issues that would limit her ability to work outside of her home - and also prove that the main bread winner of the family had passed away and the insurance that this family had been forced to purchase and also at least  buy1 other policy which  should have been able to have been applied to the mortgage  rendering the home paid in full in My name- with my family being able to  have avoided the  enormous heartache's , loss, depression, and a life that has been left in  shambles after the insurance that should have covered the home was never honored  and a family was made to suffer not just the loss of a husband and a loving father of 4 children but also all of the belongings and most of the sentimental  objects from the many memories that died the day that my late husband Al passed it was the beginning of  my journey through Hell - where even my trust of others would be shaken to the core and my love for myself would be what ultimately saves my life - 

I  will update this  true -life story of how an entire community came against me my family and especially the love of my life in an attempt to break us apart and prevent us from being seen as  community -leaders and (proven to be)  likeable by multiple races of people, which was when it became too damn personal and intrusive not to mention completely obsessive the audacity of a witch coven coming to where I reside so they can violate my right to privacy by illegally recording my every move and illegally record my every word in hopes of catching me as I would at times have to scream out for them to "PLEASE- stop aiming that (pulse forced weapon at my body ! that S#it hurts! ) which they would of course try and use against me trying to make their claim that I was not that friendly while omitting that they had also gained access to my mail and had actually opened it and then responded by going to a court proceeding pretending to be me where they lied under oath and after quite some time they were able to attain access to funds that where mine by making false claims about me being  incompetent and my inability to ? I don't know? write a blog on Google and maintain it for over 4 years ? is that competent or is the fact that they felt they would not be caught the actual incompetent part ? I'm confused ....   

anyway to be continued -        


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