The predatory housing and extremism has to Go

 The mistreatment of a disabled 61 year old is bad just as it is But when you then realize that these clowns are attempting to make themselves appear as if they are acting in response to a warranted authorization to then bring their abusive misconduct  directly to where I am ,or should be able to expect privacy yet can not even wipe my ass without these clowns invading and intruding in my space is why I will NEVER stop letting everyone know just how insane these "after-the-fact' agents of chaos have become   Using modern technology to invade my accounts to exploit me for gier own ill-gotten gain, where if it were anywhere else it could surely be classified as a Federal Hate Crime under Malicious Harassment and Witness Intimidation  - and met with a swift sentence to several years to life in prison yet there's no deterrent to make these bad agents fear that law enforcement will arrest them for coming here and doing the witchcraft aimed directly at me and aggressively and illegally recording me (without my consent ) and knowing that I have a copy- right notice that they intentionally breech each and every day ,due to being allowed to get away with it ,.That is up until now  Because now I'm taking back control of my life and the desperate deviants who illegally and intentionally recorded me with my life partner (whom they have also done manipulation spells and used mind control to make him side with all of them to come against me )   Notice ! I have been made aware of the illegal recordings of me without my consent  You have attempted to shun my Obvious excellent reputation and make it appear as if I like you have no morals and as if Like yourselves I'd actually have to use my body and commit sexual acts in order to make a living.   And I'm here to let you know that you have violated my rights as a woman held in high honor you have attempted to share or exploit me sexually for your own desperate desire to profit at my expense you sick demonic low life con artist !  And funny thing is your attempt backfired because from what I hear everyone is very much intrigued with what you illegally captured and meant to cause harm to me  which is now being used to being a string so charges against you,for sexually  trafficking sexually-exploiting an elderly  61year old female without her prior consent while also then committing an additional crime of Copy right infringement-which carries a fine of $250.000 .000 two-hundred fifty thousand dollars. Fine per occasion   which for you is just the beginning of a long string of other charges for the abusive and malicious acts which you have intentionally been committing and encouraging a multitude of others to also cone and commit  against me simply because at 61 yrs old  I still have at least more going in than you do 😜  You sorry excuse for a gang stalker Mocker and obviously you failed at being a C@ck blocker cuz I have options coming in and I'm not even in the market and am Happily single quite successful and completely Blessed to have the life that God has given me to live Hence the word "given me " not given you ! So my advice ,instead of bringing your attorneys to my at complex to join your loser self and help you desperately continue your invasion into the private life of the ex wife of a man that you want Who obviously  prefers refers me over you  ,and so that "chaps your hide - " enough to make you lose your feeble mind to the point where all of your attention obsession thoughts dreams  ideas and mindset are in me about me or feature me Id have to say that you're not an actual hater but rather .... You've obviously now become a Fan 😜 Only if you could now take your evil intent and hide it before the swat team bust through your window to take you down for being a sexual predator  and insanely obsessed chic who wanted so badly to take my place and become 'me' that you stole my ID had your picture added and then commenced even more illegal acts in the court of law while doing witchcraft to be able to illegally make court officials believe that you were me and  that he and I had 2 children together ? Which we currently have no children together (yet )  and tiu then illegally claimed money that was actually mine but as if that wasn't enough tiuvtgen started making a string of false claims to law enforcement and other agencies to (what you hoped would ) get me arrested so you could then assume my role and parade around town collecting all of the honor and appreciation that I had actually earned . While  telling others that I was the liar ,that I was the one with no true skill talent 😜 or money and has to get all of my money from doing illegal illicit acts just as you  have  actually proven that you have done ,while grazing over my bedroom from the apt directly above where my bedroom and my workplace is watching me continue to do the work  that I do meantime you're becoming even  more envious and upset because all of your lies and fake native  assessments of me are actually being mirrored right back to the truth to who you really are  !  A person's  Greatness rarely takes a break   unless your greatness is actually a fake !  I don't have to. Have to stalk anyone or make others help in trying to destroy you  cuz you've actually mastered that yourself.  Congratulations 🎉 


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