It is illegal to stand over my bedroom apt to intentionally cause harm to me physically mentally emotionally financially spiritually of any other means that you have been doing with your use of witchcraft or any weapon of mass destruction that you've told lies to attain access to just so you could bring it to try and cause me damage harm or even cause my death -BTW all these abuses are being done by the same community of bad actors who have already benefited from prior thefts of my rights as a elderly disabled woman - who happens to be the target of an organized gang stalking plot to seek revenge -retaliations and cause me to suffer due to their own motives be it jealousy , envy , hatred of women or hatred of a strong Black Woman who is a journalist , a woman of integrity and a woman who does not fear being set apart from the rest of the world - I am here for a purpose- those who have felt that they can violate me in my apartment and exploit me Sexually and then ruthlessly profit from the multiple hardships that your own actions have either caused or greatly contributed to by then violating my copyright and illegally recording everything that I do without my prior oral and written consent , these intrusions into my seclusion my peace and violating me as a woman to my dignity to not be abused sexually by exploiting me sexually for own personal financial come up and to cover up the truth to the crimes that you have already been involved in that you committed against me while also obstructing justice by targeting me in my private bedroom that You knew was a violation of a persons rights under law against these violations which you have brazenly committed against me non- stop so that you could obstruct justice and intimidate me as a witness and prevent me from being able to testify and face you as an false accuser to the facts that you lied about having first hand information about that pertain to my ability to be able to claim funds that were left for me the rightful heir , whom you wanted to block out of receiving, by committing perjury, mail theft , ID theft forgery and aggressively gang stalking that same victim , in what should have been The privacy of her own bedroom and bathroom simply due to your GREED and jealousy of another person's inheritance and birthright /royal bloodline - Spiritual - life- path ! You went too damn far when you started doing witchcraft to steal my creativity and interfere with my mental stability - and also when you committed an illegal sexual act by pulling me into sexually immoral act's in my dream state and having me gang raped on multiple occasions and without my prior ,consent -you sick animals ! Stay away from me and my family - You can not interrupt the life of a woman who is a witness in a case against you and then insanely try and take my place as His wife by smearing my good name so that you could win a spot to steal my place in the life that was already predestined for Me to live - Not you ! If you disagree with it ,take it up with The Most High God because last time I checked He was the Only - one who was in charge of my destiny by placing me in the position that you have become completely and insanely obsessed with stealing from me and then claiming it as your own - and FYI God says- think again !
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So as most of you know (especially those of you who have been making a living racially harassing ,stalking mocking and blocking us for ye...
IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO REMEMBER TO CALL OUT TO THE MOST HIGH GOD - ( In fact He's waiting for you to call out and ask for guidance and ...