Like a vulture on a Gut Truck
These so called community folks/practitioners are all so insanely desperate that they are hovering over me while I'm on the damn toilet trying to have a private bowel movement damn...... Low down criminals here in Seattle it will be great when the most high God comes to show you all His wrath cuz You are all deserving harsh punishment for you acts of Greed, Harassment both mentally sexually ,and also financially, emotionally ,spiritually, and any other way that you losers thought that you could get away with what you've previously done to me that was fine so you'd have a better life at my expense and are now willing to do the most to cover up your original crimes and misconduct so you have come to commit even more crimes hoping to not be criticized for what you all did ,yet that's exactly what you wanted for me - to be viewed/criticized by others so that I would not be seen in a positive manner hoping to make others see me as not being worthy of respect ! Note to the Federal investigators there is a serious problem here at Court land place apartments in South Seattle - and it's coming from the same folks who shouldn't be doing it or allowing it - do not ask the staff here anything but watch them as they can't /won't stop these malicious actions being done against us or even protect us as tenants when they are actually making a profit off of it . THERE HAS BEEN A HUGE SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT FROM THOSE WHO COME TO STEAL THE PENSIONS AND MAIL FROM THE DISABLED TENANTS LIVING HERE - SOME OF THEM HAVE HAD MOLD GROWING UNDER THEIR CARPETS FOR YEARS GETTING SICK AND EXPERIENCING THE AFFECTS OF A TOXIC LIVING ENVIRONMENT WHICH IS THE LOW LEVEL STANDARD WAY OF MISTREATMENT THAT MYSELF AND MULTIPLE OTHERS ARE HAVING TO SURVIVE WHILE ALSO HAVING OUR RIGHTS TO PRIVACY INVADED AND VIOLATED ON A 24/7 BASES -THIS IS UN- ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR ! TO BE FORCED TO DEAL WITH AND AS A BLACK FEMALE I FEEL ITS BEING DONE TO INTENTIONALLY LESSON OUR LIVES as well as the overall quality of our being able to rest relax and enjoy what we had worked so I long and hard to acquire bae for what ? SO THAT THESE THIEVES COULD CLAIM EVERYTHING THAT WE HAVE WORKED SO HARD FOR ,AS THEIR OWN?! I HAVE SPOKEN TO OTHERS IN THE SAME SITUATION AS MYSELF AND AT THIS TIME WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO EITHER ARM OURSELVES TO PROTECT OUR OWN RIGHTS OR WE WILL HAVE OUR OWN ARMED SECURITY TEAMS EMPLOYED TO STAND GUARD AGAINST THE MULTIPLE CONSTANT ABUSES , MISCONDUCTS AND SHERE DISRESPECTFUL ACTIONS WHICH ARE BEING USED TO CAUSE US CONSTANT NON- STOP DURESS ,VIXACTION and DEPRIVATIONS of our Rights , WHICH WE SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN SUBJECTED TO IN THE FIRST PLACE ! WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS B/S AND WE WILL BE TAKING IMEDIATE LEGAL AND COUNTERACTION'S TO GUARANTEE THAT WE ARE NOT BEING SEEN AS PREY BY THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO MAKE A PROFIT OFF OF OUR COMMUNITY IMPOSED and EXPOSED ILLEGAL HOSTILE AND UNWELCOMED ACTIONS AGAINST THE ELDERLY , THE DISABLED AND AGAINST OUR RIGHTS AS TENANTS HERE IN SEATTLE - LET THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN SEXUALLY EXPLOITING STALKING ABUSING FALSELY ACCUSING RECORDING & INTENTIONALLY VEXING THE VULNERABLE FOR THEIR OWN EVIL INTENT AND PROFIT BE PLACED IN JUDGEMENT BY THE SPIRITUAL AUTHORITIES AS WELL AS THE FEDERALLY AUTHORIZED AUTHORITIES TO PROSECUTE AND REMOVE ALL WHO HAVE COME TO INTENTIONALLY CAUSE HARM OR DEPRIVE ANY OF GOD'S CHILDREN AND HIS CHOSEN LIGHT WORKERS (WHO THESE DEMONS REALLY DETEST ) FROM COMPLETING THE TASK THAT I OR ANY OTHER light worker WAS PLACED HERE ON EARTH TO SEE THAT THESE ASSIGNMENTS ARE CARRIED OUT FOR A BETTER WAY OF LIFE FOR ALL WHO ARE NOT DOING TO OTHERS WHAT THEY HAVE CLEARLY BEEN DOING TO US ! MAY THE LORD FATHER PROTECT US FROM ALL WHO HAVE BEEN TRESPASSING AGAINST US AND LEAD US NOT IN TO THE TEMPTATION TO RESORT TO ACT OUT AGAINST THEM AS THEY ARE ALSO WANTING US TO DO , SO THAT THEY CAN TRY AND USE IT TO VINDICATE THEIR EVIL INTENT TOWARDS US AS ELDERLY VULNERABLE TENANTS - I thank you in advance for what I know you will take care of ,eliminate, bring a remedy for - Or even Completely Bring Down - Shalom and Peace be onto all who are walking in the light verses choosing to do bad against those who do . I give all of my respect honor and appreciation to those who have come to protect us and assist us as we attempt to rebalance our lives, that all of these actions, which have been done to intentionally throw our lives off balance - May these engregous acts be reversed - No weapon formed against any of us shall ever prosper. Very Respectfully, M Andres - from victim to Victoriously Blessed by God who protects and always provides - Thank You - I am humbled by your presence in my life and will continue to praise you whether during the good times or in the bad - My faith in you ,which has NEVER been questioned or your power over it 🙏 and I know that I am truly blessed and able to receive all of what you have already shown to me was mine ! Todah
IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO REMEMBER TO CALL OUT TO THE MOST HIGH GOD - ( In fact He's waiting for you to call out and ask for guidance and ...