When a thief tries to justify their theft of your actual funds !

 Once again I find that these same thirsty dusty thieves have aggressively conjoined together to illegally target me in my low income  housing /Apartment  in Seattle WA - Now these thirsty thieves actually believe that they have a chance of stealing my inheritance and there are some who have gone as far as spreading unimaginable lies stories and made up events that I was never a participant of  - They have viciously continued to rally others to also come to assist with this abusive unwarranted misconduct  - This is what needs to be reported to the judicial  system that will be agudicating my case -First of all there is a fake person who has become so insanely obsessed with trying to intentionally come to cause me to experience a financial hardship ,a loss of all of my skills ,so that I can't pay my bills and has made it their mission in life to speak nothing but false accounts of things that are not even true or things that have zero relevance to the fact that They have already committed the crime of Elder financial exploitation  by appearing as me in a prior court hearing / hearings and shike under oath stating things that they have to have known that when I do take the stand in my true power as Myself - that ALL of their slander defamation and made-up accusations about my inability to comprehend how to manage my own financial affairs would infact be Proven to be complete lies and which were intentionally being spoken in a case where they had obstructed my right to due process by intercepting my mail and thus intentionally  preventing me from any knowledge of the actual material facts in a case where I was and am the rightful heir - these bad actors have done so much intrusive and abusive harm to me financially physically , emotionally  ,sexually (by stalking me and illegally recording me in my bedroom /beds in the bathroom as I wipe my butt and even stopping as low as recording me naked in the bathtub   All of these insane and unnecessary  malicious intrusions being blatantly committed  so that they could feel a sense of control over the same victim that they had already violated by lying while under oath to the accounts of me doing things that I know nothing about ! This same community of  what to me amounts to a rouge group of jealous racists who hate me simply because others loved me enough to leave funds or an inheritance for me so that I would be Able to have a better quality of life - At the age of 61 I have never seen such a sickening group of people who actually feel that they can convince others to give them what they ALL know is not only mine but also the fact that their testimony made while under oath were all lies and  an act of fraud and intentionally done to me as a "Black - 61 yr old woman who has had to fight just to be seen as someone who has the right to use my own free will when stating who can and who can't come into close proximity of where I should be Able to expect privacy but have never been shown that amount of respect by any of these thirsty thieves who still have the nerve to continue the delusional insanity that is about to be the center of a very large court case where they will all have to prove their prior  assessment of me are true - which they obviously  already know that they are not ever going to be able to do !  I have had them Share sexually explicit illegal recordings of me and my life partner in intimate moments  in an attempt to sex traffic us as if we are involved in the same  smut that they themselves participate in (which is open sexual relationships with zero boundaries ) which is actually a direct opposition to our spiritual beliefs as we believe what The Bible says that the bed should not ever be defiled and a relationship is to be "1 Husband and,1 Wife"it never said that it was acceptable to invade our divine union for your own personal greed and pleasure of making a mockery of Biblical law and the respect of a divine  couple's  rights under biblical and spiritual law to privacy and respect. In fact when they originally approached my life partner to try and bribe him to take adverse actions against me as his 20 plus year love interest and his common law partner  who has a purpose here on this earth to be his divinely chosen life partner   they intended these actions of getting him to publicly betray our own spiritual journey so that they could intentionally  cause me /Us to suffer the affects of an  adverse mental emotional and financial setback which were being used to do just that ! To try and interfere so aggressively and abruptly that it would destroy the very essence within me ( which they had also been trying to steal and claim as their own just as they had claimed my attributes as their own while intentionally bearing false witness and exchanging their own negative to toxic traits as actually being mine I stead of their own - These bad actors have to be shown that the judicial system has to be seen of one where the integrity of the oath of truth is something that shall never be perverted as they attempted to do when they all collectively lied and defrauded not just me out of funds meant to give me a better quality of life and stability but they also defrauded the court system by intentionally creating a "kangaroo -court" where they were all so comfortable  telling lies that they felt would never be exposed especially since they had plots to also take my life so that they could "without guilt or apprehension steal from a 61 year old woman whom they all lied and said that they had no idea of my whereabouts, omitting  that they had me isolated with threats to be a prisoner in my own low income apartment which they had all just left and actually planned on returning to  so that they could carry out the nonstop  attempts  to take my life so that they would never be exposed for their crimes against me and for the sexual abuses that they took great pleasure in committing against me !  Please make sure that this case is seen for the extremely immoral   abusive and intrusive for assaults against me and my future with my divine partner that they did not ever want to see  flourish so they felt the right  to wreck interfere and steal  - I am holding each and every one who participated or profited from my pain suffering and  inability to receive funds meant to be handed over to me - may they all be held in Spiritual Judgement for the unheard of gal to actually  come to the court my low income housing complex and my mailbox  and commit  ! 

Respectfully Monica Y Andres - Agent  standing in my full competency and power to request a speedy recovery of what was illegally given to those who used fraud  to receive  Thank You  

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