IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO REMEMBER TO CALL OUT TO THE MOST HIGH GOD - ( In fact He's waiting for you to call out and ask for guidance and protection ) 

You have authority to call out for Clarity and to stand firm Eph 6:13 -God does not want us to fight the Devil Because He will fight our battles - Stop getting pulled into the Devils fight's - and Put your faith into action by calling out in prayer exactly what it is that you need - If it's strength call out for it , but remember that He also ask's that you obey His word - So  resist temptation , especially when it involves hurting someone who is not doing anything to you , yet you are all into your feelings because you got your feelings hurt by something that they may have said to you - This is not a case where you should even want to retaliate in fact this is a case about YOU ! And measuring the amount of mental maturity that you possess  when it comes down to controlling your reactions to anything negative or told in truth - but you just did not like hearing it , so you chose to retaliate and wage war against the person who , if you would have just reached out to that person they would more than likely have apologized for making the statement - and instead of doing the responsible a mature minded thing , you chose instead to turn this into a divide and conquer   type of event where it matched you and your team against the person who made a comment about you that you did not like -  Were your feeling really worth that much ? Worth so much that you'd start telling lies to try and ruin the "Opposing Person" and then plot to conspire with her man whom you had been admiring all along in the first place , to the point where just the thought of him being with her made you want to tempt him even more , secretly dreaming of being the one to wipe that constant smile off of her face , after-all "what did she have that was so darn good that it would make her smile so damn much" and so you vented to others who as it turns out had been feeling a certain kinda way as well and they too had a gripe about the Opposing Person always helping others and how much attention the OP  attracts on Social media for the good things that they were in fact doing without looking for clout , or billboards advertising  their good deeds or  things that a lot of people had no idea about because when you do something for some one else there is no need to advertise the kindness unless the free advertising was what you were in need of in the first place , and in that case you probably aren't really all that kind-hearted and  generous in the first place. 

However doing good by others without the  need for a public or social media thumb's up is what in some cases can be the determining  factor to one's credibility good or bad - I have a case in mind of a female who could have been the type to do what she could when moved to do so and she kept these acts to herself - but managed to create smiles and even make some peoples day, perhaps... But, No body knew , except the Most High God who had seen her and then there were the Angels who had witnessed  her give her coat to the lady and her daughter that day in Seattle -  and there were many who witnessed this one individual woman also get drug through the mud by a group of organized cons crooks and thieves who saw her and thought that they could take her kindness for weakness and plotted and tried to carry  out  one of the most deceptive plots to try and destroy the lives of many but mainly that one little ole woman, who they wanted to make others believe was the opposition and therefore not worthy of being treated with respect of given any dignity - and then the universe got wind of the plot and said Not ! NOT in my lifetime and not in my city Not even if their were rich people now involved in this conspiracy against this fine person They would never be able to tarnish the good that this woman had managed to carryout throughout her many years here on earth ! 

AND  I guess my point today is to stay focused on doing good by others even when the devil tries to come and steal kill and destroy you because the Most High God is watching each and everything that is being done to you and if He see's that it is a one-sided case against a child of HIS who HE has great fondness for ?  HE will step in and fight your battles and you will be able to do what may have  seemed  impossible for anyone to have survived,  and  yet , be victorious so that you will be able to carryout your mission to  help lift up the lives of many and become a light to those who had been accustomed to living in darkness -   And able to turn Your MESS in to His MESSAGE ! 


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