Deep deception

 There has been a deep concern by some , who have been trying to portray me as a dark evil doer , which I have never been . But the funniest/most Ironic  part is just how insanely desperate this whole organized gang effort has become since realizing that all of their lies cons thefts and fraud have been uncovered and are being prosecuted as the crimes that they obviously  committed  - Its enough of a miracle  to have to survived all of the aggressive attacks from this low level - cartel but  to add even more insult to the injuries they/ she / he  then made false reports against my good name and  reputation , Opening Bank accounts in my name that I had no idea were opened and had no access to yet money that should be placed in my account was rerouted to numerous accounts that I had no access to and also off shore accounts were opened without my consent knowledge or participation while trying to make it appear as if I was associated with corruption.  I guess feeling as if since they had gotten away with lying  up to now ,that  they had nothing to lose ,so they decided to try and use black magic witchcraft to further interfere with the predestinated-spiritual path of  a husband and a wife to happily walk  together on - knowing that  all of this chaos was actually started for that very purpose ,which was to destroy our union and  block our religious right to be happy and procreate  without interference by the dark underworld of  lies spies and false alibi's - The agent sent to seduce my husband had even sat at the Sabbath bible study acting as if she had an interest in the bible the whole time hiding her true intent which was to sow discord and get my man into a sexual compromising situation that she could use as leverage to blackmail him with and also to later claim a pregnancy  that was not even his ,also transferring a STD to my man while lying and claiming it was from me yet I was only intimate with my husband and no one else . They paid men to claim that I had been sleeping around knowing that it was a lie , Possibly due to their  own  adulteress affair  that they were fiercely trying to keep from the public and intended to try and place me as doing things that they themselves were actually involved in doing , with an open sexual union meant to ruin the union between he and I  which is extremely wicked and demonic done out of vengeance lust and greed with her using oral sex to bind him to her with witchcraft that had him thinking he was on top of the world  showing me nothing but disrespect and anger for asking what was going on with them after clearly feeling the sexual energy between two liars who thought they could lie cheat and steal and then blame me but it only lead to more dark demonic dealings and it never had  to go this far but yet here we are with lives torn apart due to a woman who wanted to one -up me by seducing and marrying my husband with the use of tricks and fraud ( which does not constitute a marriage under God )           You must   turn from your wicked ways and  run towards the light , confess your sins to those who were the targets of those intended damages due to you letting  your shallow egos take over your ability to think beyond your own sexual lusts and greed and need to be seen as something that you obviously were not which is held in high honor because their is no honor among thieves - and your so called friends were never your friends but rather bad agents sent to assist Jezebel with getting you to drop your guard and lay with that  devil who was willing to do anything to win at all costs - and your lies will cost you your freedom  your ill-gotten gain and any chance of being able to swap destinies with me - also Get out of my house and return every thing  that you knowingly defrauded  me from receiving - oh and reverse the spells that were placed on my husband to get him to view me in a negative dark way knowing that it was actually you who was cheating behind his back and got pregnant  with a child that you knew was not even his knowing that he would believe you and offer his hand in marriage - which in this case I guess two lies actually void each other out ,since you lied and claimed to be pregnant knowing good and well that you had laid with one of his close friends  so that infidelity would be enough grounds for divorce if in fact he were even in a position to have been able to have married you in the first place since He and I were already in a marriage which is noticed in the ethers as his true and predestined- partnership by the most high God so until he puts a bill of divorce in my hand ,which he has never done , it looks as if I am still in fact his wife and you can now take that little knife out of my back and jab it into your own back !   Have a great evening  I look forward to seeing you in court  - btw stop preforming witchcraft over my apartment in an  attempt to kill me and the child that I am carrying its a violation of my reproductive rights my  federal - fair-housing rights my right to assemble my free will and my right against un-ethical mistreatment from dark demonic forces such as yourself - respectfully M Andres targeted  victim and earth Angel here for a purpose not by accident but because I have a mission to heal others and to bring them out of darkness and into the light where there will be no witchcraft or spell casting to untentionally  cause harm to another simply because you felt that no one would care enough about me to protect me since you had already stacked the game to go in your favor  ! But God had the final say and he chose me  , enough said .  If you do not like it change what you actually control which is YOURSELF !  

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fricken ridiculous behavior towards Blacks here in Everett Washington

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