This property where I live has to be the most predatory  intrusive deceptive One that I have ever encountered - 

First this box shaped female who is the "choose me " type had been over stepping my right to privacy  by maliciously and constantly recording me without my knowledge or consent letting my husband (we are in a temp separation) have access to them hoping to look better  than me to him    - which there really is no competition . Then they allowed it to flood in Jan and its now the end of  April   and the unit still is in  disarray . Note this has been a community of Over - Zealous Latinos who practice Santaria   they followed me here in June 2021 from Everett WA  and have access to everything my apartment his apt   my laptop his laptop   my emails his emails my mail  bedroom etc I  remember someone coming to his apt and pulling the covers off of us throwing them on the floor while we slept  creepy obsessed stalker style +    that's why we hardly leave  our place cuz they have Zero respect for our privacy and come in at will .  They have abused  me and have made my living environment  as hostile as it can be - We do not even have tiles on our floors as the female with the connection  to the working crew left 2 weeks ago ( the same time he supposedly got married - vut was already married to me or so he said under oath when they went after my inheritance and now she wants to be me obviously   ? by marrying my man ?  or so they are trying to make it seem to me  which would add a whole other criminal conspiracy cause of action to this case as A person who comes to where I live under false pretenses to further gain an unfair legal advantage   against a tenant who signed a lease in good faith only to have been traumatized abused sexually exploited and preyed upon  falsely accused  exploited  financially by not only my  now ex husband and his coconspirator's who have nothing but malice for me and my family while obstructing  justice and intercepting my mail which involved hiding funds meant for me .writing checks in my name   and then did witchcraft   to try and vex me after trying to cause me anxiety by knocking at my door with her camera phone aimed right in my face and an  eviction notice in her hand  which was meant to    show ZERO respect  to me knowing that they had hijacked my funds meant to give me a better quality of life , and my they had  lied and claimed I was incompetent so he was able to reroute my funds to their  bank and he was acting as my power of attorney but one of his assistants was trying to make my housing unstable and was also working vigorously to keep my funds from reaching me , so that the community could divide it   among themselves , the whole while this two faced rat illegally spied and shared my private non public life to slander defame and shame me  and got great Pleasure in orchestrating   all of this insanity and    have tried to continually play with my emotions and vex me each and every day and night with the attacks on my body my head my face and especially as I lay in my bed obsessed with my private area like the perverts    that they are  . They  honk their horns and communicate that way incase of raids which quite frankly should have happened long before now while so much damage was allowed to take place . 

Anyhoo  they are so  desperate to try and escape arrest for stealing my mail my ID my checks  my work and my man my Peace My stability and my putting  me through mental anguish and  emotional distress by illegally violating our privacy and recording and sharing it with my Ex - who thought Id never figure all of this organized gang abuse and  malicious  activities out - I am demanding that this misconduct be prosecuted and all involved who profited  from my pain suffering sex trafficking and attacks on my fetus which She knew I was in fact pregnant with and she wanted me and my baby to be sacrificed - also note they have attempted to file claims against me without my knowledge trying to take my hard earned money while also lying under oath that I was lazy and had no real talent this is Extremism for sure !!!                     (Financial exploitation occurs when the offender steals, withholds, or otherwise misuses their elderly victims’ money, property, or valuables for personal advantage or profit, to the disadvantage of the elder. Their methods include borrowing money and not paying it back; signing or cashing pension or social security checks without permission; and forcing the elder to part with resources or to sign over property. Financial exploitation of the elderly may also occur in concert with other types of elder abuse, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse; and neglect. Understanding the factors that contribute to the problem of elder abuse will help police departments frame their own local analysis questions, determine good effectiveness measures, recognize key intervention points, and select appropriate responses. Factors contributing to financial crimes against the elderly include underreporting, victim vulnerabilities, victim facilitation, revictimization, and offender characteristics. It is important to identify the types of fraud currently operating, the likely targets, the means used to commit the fraud, and the factors that may prevent victims from reporting it. It is important to understand how offenders gain access to the victims’ funds, what the nature of the offender-victim relationship is, and what resources are available to support and protect the elderly.  with witchcraft)  and the feds have got to be active breathing right down their necks . letting them know that when you intentionally misuse an elderly disabled "black woman " for your own gain then you have infact committed elder financial abuse        

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fricken ridiculous behavior towards Blacks here in Everett Washington

 So as most of you know  (especially those of you who have been making a living racially  harassing ,stalking mocking and blocking us for ye...

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