Saving Myself the disrespect

 I want you to know that you did too much ! I am going to save myself since you do not respect me enough to give me closure in fact you did what you did to intentionally cause me to feel the pain of the betrayal ! And what kind of Man would do that to a woman who would  get down on her knees in the pouring rain to preform CPR on you after your heart stopped and everyone else was walking past you willing to let you die and my life with you passed before my eyes In what seemed like 5 minutes frozen in time I saw our first date and dancing and you holding me so close and then we decided to leave and talked and laughed all the way back to my house and  then we kissed and the rest I felt was history and then I thought about what it would be like without you here in my life and I thought about your Mom hearing her scream about why didn't anyone do anything to save you , and that's when I had to snap out of the shock and remember my campfire- girl's training on CPR and I started messaging your heart and then I started breathing for you trying desperately to get your heart to start  and to think that just a few years later you'd be able to do the unthinkable to me by betraying me and coming  up against me as if I was an enemy when I was the one who was sent to you ,  that everyone else but you seemed to know and that our path to abundance was cleverly being coveted by the true enemy and the one who you thought was sent to you from The most high God was a test that you failed and any so called partner who is ok with sharing their partner with others is not of God as that is the gate/portal that ushered in all of the other demonic actions that are the reason that we are here today with arrests being made and people crying out to God for repentance while not even being able to give me closure and that disrespect  will be the last one -  Goodbye The loss of me will be like the loss of MD and Noke . 

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