Shame on You
Or Perhaps the title should be "Why you loser's thought that you'd be able to carry- out this busted up low - level smear campaign"? which was based on envy, greed , jealousy , fraudulent claims and illegally acquired power that if truth had in fact been known Im sure you would never have been placed in that position in the first place! Not to mention all you fake as so called Ex -Friends family etc who colluded behind the scenes to come against me and my life partner after a racist group decided to try and take action against us due to our happiness as a couple . This began when we had our privacy interrupted in Everett by our neighbors who were trying to escape the prosecution of another family member, so they agreed to set us up by placing cameras and listening devices in our newly rented apartment which we thought was contracted in good faith - only to later realize that it was anything but good faith that was going on , and would unknowingly evolve into one of the largest cases of collusion wrong- doing , abuse of power , fraud , mail fraud , mail theft , ID theft , forgery , perjury , elder abuse and the illegal invasion of privacy of the target and of her life partner who this community with all its greed and hatred then had a prostitute engage with my life partner who would be manipulated through dark witchcraft to turn his back on me and then eventually after later also contracting a STD from said dark incubus secubus sex demon who would then brazenly try and blame me for being the culprit when infact Iam still un infected my life partner who was clean prior to engaging with her so that would infact point right back to the dirty lazy con artist who has made a living lying crying pretending ,stealing and cheating her way through life attge expense of everyone elses hard work and credentials (which she had no problem making a living at stealing every day - as if were her life mission ) Some of us need to seriously get a grip on reality and see that no matter how much you lie cheat and steal if you come up against Gods chosen , you will not succeed .
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So as most of you know (especially those of you who have been making a living racially harassing ,stalking mocking and blocking us for ye...
IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO REMEMBER TO CALL OUT TO THE MOST HIGH GOD - ( In fact He's waiting for you to call out and ask for guidance and ...