The Crimes you committed against me and my family
This is for the Law Enforcement Investigators who may not know just how many viscous crimes , and acts of violence that this organized crime duo committed because that wanted to cause me to experience the pain and suffering of loss and to show me that they were in control of my life because they said so ,as if I had no say over my own destiny ,not to mention all of the slander ,attacks on my stability ,intentional attacks on my mental stability and unwarranted bullying just because they all agreed to make me appear as if I had earned all of these assaults when in fact I had done nothing to be put through any of these crimes and they were in fact being done out of envy jealousy greed and resentment due to my royal bloodline ,which she hated me for who I was and because of the way that I appealed to others which they would cringe and vow to take me out by any means necessary - They were also known to pay communities to stay silent while the female aggressively took money to plot and carryout murder's because this monster had completely lost her sense of reality and felt as if she could just kill and dump bodies and then secretly rejoice as her ugly empty vengeful soul burned out and became mush - I do know that she was known to have alot of spite and evil energy for me because she wanted to live my life and felt that she could do me better than I could be me . This is why I am asking that this case of abuse , sex crimes , mind manipulation , financial exploitation and a multitude of wicked witchcraft that They came to my apartment complex and preyed upon me day in day out often having to stay awake so that U would not be subjected to the knightly sexual assaults which have take such an enormous abd drastic toll on me and my family - Please feel free to contact me if I can assist with any other Questions or concerns Thank You I appreciate all of you - respectfully Monica Andres - victim of an hideous gang stalking smear campaign that has changed my view on humanity !
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