Take the step - The truth shall set you free u

 Sometimes All that it takes is taking the first step -

That step towards turning your bad days into Good days - 

Or your Bad deeds Into Corrections that might lead you into the right direction ,that might just end up saving your life - 

No matter what your case might be , if  you need a better life . it must start with changing your own self  ,as that is the only thing that you can actually control so take that step  , you are worth it - 

Never ask advice from someone who has no expertise in the area in which you are seeking to gain advice about - IE  someone who hates - Can not teach or give advice on How or Who to Love - 

 Plus when it comes to Love , its not something  that another person can ever actually speak on for You because everyone has their own heart and soul and The most high God is the only advisor who has your best interest in mind , and also has seen your true intent so He will provide for you exactly  what you have earned  and deserve - but it starts with what your true intent is , if its a bad deceitful , trickery intent He will give you that back  . However if you have a true loving intent   TMH will eventually disclose to you who He has chosen for you . Sometimes it could be someone who you may have thought wasn't good enough or perhaps the Devil was making you feel like you had so many options that you could place who TMH had placed in your life,  on the Back - Burner but your arrogance and feeling as if the signs  that were being shown were not from God  ,so You chose what  or whom- ever gave you the fastest gratification of your carnal desires , and only after all of the facts to just how sinful you had allowed it all to become just to get a-nut  and to "look- like -the Man " or to "look-a Woman- held -in-high-honor" when in fact you were BOTH wearing mask's because you were both under the control of outside demonic forces knowingly or not knowingly ( & yes even those with spiritual  protection can be affected by a lustful spirit - especially when ur true intent was to secretly and scandalously get sexual pleasure from someone who you should not have even been in that position to be receiving it orally or any other way ( oh and oral sex IS still a sexual act ) no matter how you try and repackage it , if you get the same pleasure it is the same damn thing )  These people will rewrite a an innocent persons entire life just to look as if they hadn't already committed a breach of fidelity by committing  infidelity  due to an inability to control their own desires or the flirtatious words and actions of the agent sent from satan to temp you (it was all a test boo - either you past your test or your  choices are being shown publicly to alert others "What not to do " when being tested . 

I hope that this lesson serves you well , that it never pays to fool with another Woman's house  ,and when I say"house" I refer to a Woman's stability , her Bag (her-Legal- source of income ) Her relationship aka HER Man ! Her personal private life (do not tell lies to illegally gain access to her every move so that you can find a way to coverup the facts to your own  crimes ,thefts, hatred, Greed, or lust for power or sexual desires .  Because In the end it all will be revealed and publicly  ! For some it will be very embarrassing and for some "The truth shall Set you Free "        

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