You are all out of Order !

 The use of force or weapons, including the use of mind manipulation tactics , Technology, Intentionally intercepting communications between a caregiver and the person who he cared for. The constant illegal use of camera's and listening to all my personal communications so that you could oppress and deny me my right to privacy , all Done ., due to Greed , Jealousy ,  retaliation , Envy, or whatever , not matter what reason there is NEVER a reason to do to anyone what was done to Me ! 

I have been lied upon , plotted against as  a spiritual  healer walking in the light verses the dark -  

But  most if not all who were or are  aggressively coming for me happen to be walking in the darkness of the bottom of the barrel when it comes to integrity and  emotional  maturity - They have committed fraud by having a false person appear as me in court so they could make fake claims to get me setup to be wrongfully accused of  being unstable in some way , I am actually more sound secure and stable than I Have  been in quite some time  and  I am adamant about speaking out  against these Malicious actions that were allowed to be placed on my life due to  lies that were intentionally spread because they were feeling some kind- of - way about my light shining so bright - and they thought they could put it out - so they got others to go along but omitted the fact that they were  lying about me the whole time  and really wanted to  steal or claim my assets and anything else that they could steal or lie and say that they had gotten to it first , even my love relationship , they went after that to the  point that their malicious acts  of insanity towards me for no sincere reason , is why I am here today to share these  true life horrifying events ,so that they will never again be able to do to anyone what was allowed to be done to me -  thank you , in the coming days I will be adding important key facts to this claim - Thank You and have a blessed and enjoyable evening 

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fricken ridiculous behavior towards Blacks here in Everett Washington

 So as most of you know  (especially those of you who have been making a living racially  harassing ,stalking mocking and blocking us for ye...

Office of Victims of Crimes -Offers assistance to Victims

"The Office for Victims of Crime, a part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, seeks to enhance victims’ rights and services for all victims across the United States. The Office for Victims of Crime offers a wealth of resources for the crime victims field, including publications, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and more."