Foreign corruption is also involved

 This campaign has simply violated not justice but also human dignity to the point of being more like crimes against humanity and acts of war , and the fact that share holders have been financing the efforts of their own Ego's to attempt to interfere with what the most high God has predestined ,acting as if they were God ! This campaign is actually a continuation of Slavery except this time they were clearly thinking that they could make a slave out of me and make a profit from violating my free -will , my human dignity, my privacy , my right to due process , my ability to be gainfully employed-as they all sat back and made a profit off of my pain and suffering,my life and royal bloodline- and my right to be on my spiritual path with who the most high God has predestined me o be with, of which NONE of you people in the bleachers has any day about what we can or csn not do ,say or be with because last time I checked, Only God has been given that power 🙏 - So now there is about to be a positive upheaval of all of this evil ,  there is no longer any space for your racist backwards way of conducting business as usual because this is not "normal business" when you illegally record share and profit off of the invasion of a woman's  privacy her civil rights,civil liberties , and her free will to tell you NO when you basically profited off of lies , defamation,slander And defrauding the courts and the actual heir to the funds that you collectively stole and then made up lies to try and keep - willing to do anything to try and "win at all costs " In this case its about to cost you a whole lot of money assets and for some even your own personal freedom (the same freedom that you attempted to steal from me )   and I feel that you have to learn a lesson from all of this unethical,unjust , misconduct and abuse of another human simply because of you being stuck on stupid and refusing to heed the warning and actually cease your corrupt practices ! 

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fricken ridiculous behavior towards Blacks here in Everett Washington

 So as most of you know  (especially those of you who have been making a living racially  harassing ,stalking mocking and blocking us for ye...

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