There are some who ....

 There are some who have taken it upon themselves to try and make me appear as if I am not a child of The most high God  Even though they have shown that they are not living a Godly life and were  not a true life partner . As any  person can read the Bible but when you get to how they really treat (or in this case mistreat others ) They are actually operating as a demon or in a  spirit of a demon while trying to use their position online to slander my good name and claim that I am walking around in a demon spirit but Yet I don't intentionally make up things to try and knock any one down  like I have constantly had done to me by this Particular person 

Let me break it down like this .When a man sees you as someone who they deem as a threat because they know that you tell the truth and fear that you might just open up Pandora's box and tell the truth about some of the things that they have in fact done to you or even your family members  then they will be the first out  of the gate to try and smear your good name hoping to get others to be against you , knowing that you are not a bad person but making it appear as if you are . 

I am not a woman who has been with many men yet I was made to look like I was by this Particular person who I would have to say is a Master manipulator when it comes to trying to control the narrative of another person's life especially if you happen to stand your ground and refuse to be labeled as something that you are not . 

I met this Particular person over 20 years ago and I must admit that I was quite smitten with this Particular person's good looks - I had lost my husband to a health issue and I was still in a state of mourning when we met . I was struggling with the hectic effects of negative  family members who had been coming against me after realizing that I was the recipient of funds that my late husband had left to me . What I did not know is that an astonishing amount of  his family and friends and even community members had all been counting on cashing in on my death ! 

You see they had bought insurance policies in my Name with the intent on cashing in should I experience a sudden death , but what I did not know (and I have now been shown how calculated it really was ) is just how many were plotting and casting bad juju in my direction in hopes of causing my death . 

You see when I was born I was given the title of a "golden child " or a child who was chosen by the most high GOD To impact the lives of others in a positive way . I never took it for granted and lived my life basically in an attempt to bring happiness wherever I was sent . I do remember that there were many who had been placing obstacles in my path ,I guess to prevent me from reaching m Devine destiny of being able to positively impact the world through the gifts that I was in deed born with .

I have been made to look as if I were not that different than any one else ,yet in my heart I always have known that I was born to be a light in an otherwise dark soul-less world 🌎 and so I would just try and keep my eyes open and my head up when it came to getting through all of the things that others were in fact aiming my way in an attempt to tear down or dim the light that I carried within me .

I remember how I could walk up to a bed of flowers and hold my hand over them and they would open up . I also know that animals would follow me home every day if I were walking . And I also know that I had a profound affect on people who were sick as I was able to get them to wake up out of what I thought was a stage of deep sleep  but was actually maybe a state of comatose ? There were many strange things that I could do but I really did not speak about them since my siblings and friends seemed especially unhappy with the fact that I had gifts that they did not have. 

So when a particular person who I felt had been told of the gifts that I was born with started to treat me as if I was some demonic spirit I took that as a personal attempt to cause me harm because I have never allowed myself to be taken out of the devine calling that I now know that I was born in to .  

There are some who are bothered by those who have been given gifts by God and there are now also some who even preach against people like me. Telling lies about me and breaking the 9th  commandment that says that they should not bear false witness . 

And I am sure that I will be targeted for even sharing this Particular person's efforts to make me appear as if I were walking in darkness which I have not been doing 

This Particular person also lead me to believe that we were working on reconciling our so called marriage when in fact it was done to be able to claim power of attorney over me and then gain access to an inheritance and funds that were meant to go to me even linking up with my now ex friends and family members and then went behind my back and offered his hand to someone else.while then slandering my name in an attempt to justify this humongous betrayal which was done intentionally to cause me heartbreak and emotional disappear. Which is probably the most disgusting thing that you could do to someone who had done nothing but help him overcome the short comings that he had been dealing with since we met ,telling others lies about me being needy when he never ever paid my bills or anything else when it came to being a provider or a protector when I needed to be protected or provided for . 

I had always been the one trying to carry a load that was not even mine to carry just because of being associated - and so in a way his betrayal was my opportunity to finally see just how cold and callus this Particular person's soul truly was and I thank the most high for blocking all of the enemies wickedness and selfish ways of trying to use me and then just cowardly discard me as if I were trash . But only after taking funds that were not his to take and then withholding what he had done choosing to make it look as if I were incapable of managing my own finances and my own life even though he had never shown any interest in my welfare  prior to realizing that there were funds left to me and used them to provide a better life for someone else which is something that he will have to answer to God for doing . 

In fact I have been targeted the past few years by those who have been doing witchcraft against me  which point back to his associates and his circle  being involved in, to try and either cause my death or to steal the positive and pure energy that they know that I was born with and in fact carry within me even today ,so I take any attempt of those who wish to see my life as something that doesn't matter  and feeling as if they can just treat me any way that they want , when My Father God says NO you can not ! Touch not thine anointed one   

And I pray for all of you who are reading this blog and I pray for healing for all who are sick and all who are struggling with whatever they are struggling with be it lack of resources, lack of funds ,lack of control or any other form of lack or deprivation . 

May we all begin to live together in peace and make this present life we are living better than it has been . 

I am here not to cause harm to anyone but to be a light to all . I apologize to anyone who I may have offended with out knowing and I am sure that I will have a chance to do better as we are all able to be forgiven for any of the things that we may have done to others as God is a forgiving God . 

Have a Great day and be blessed but also remember to bless others along the way . 

Monica@stay at home moms changing lives .com  

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