Tired of false accusers posing as friends

 I am done putting up with those who have taken my kindness for granted and have been trying to use me to enrich their own quality of life while intentionally diminishing mine .  

I do not need any of you in my life nor will I ever be foolish enough to consider any of you a friend , lover or as  something or someone closer to me - You allowed your own Ego to ruin a connection with me and believe me you will need me one day , however if you knock I will not answer

If you seek you will not find me  waiting there . 

When you ask I will no longer answer you back because you lack everything that is required by me in order that  a civil and respectful level of trust could be found . 

I have had to put up with unheard of injustice I have had to defend myself even in what should have been the privacy of my own bedroom ,my own bed and even while bathing and trying to have a bowel movement  

You felt that your needs were far above my needs for respect and dignity  and  the lack of respect and clear compassion is what has caused me to take out my sword and cut each abd every one of you completely out of my life forever ! 

I will never invite you to come and sit at my table and break bread with me , nor will there ever be a kind greeting of you should you  walk upon me as I have forever detached myself from you  

You are a  pest who only seek to bring out the worst in me and whose overall goal is to suck my blood and   to leave bruises as proof that you were there without my knowledge that you had used me as a supply to suck my good blood and then take it back to help others who had sent you to attack me - I am forever done with all of your back stabbing lack of respect and your true two faced way of conducting yourself when it came to me - 

You are the reason why I had to cut you out of my life .  

I Gave you way more respect kindness and compassion then you ever deserved and my honesty of how you or your friends or family made me not trust going to visit them ,which you then only took as me being disrespectful  instead of you asking me why I would feel this way - 

You were looking for a way out of my life and now you are fully out ! And the door has been sealed and will never be opened to you again   So do not waste my time with knocking !    

 You took my love and you stomped on it I loved you like No other and you were not even able to appreciate it ! And I am forever done with you and all of your monkeys who have made my life a living hell and I resent you for it I forgive but I will never forget what you caused me to experience and you didn't even care about what I was going through !   I hate a liar and I hate a man who lacks integrity enough to admit that he has lied to me. 

Next time you hook up with a "one night stand "  think twice and do not do it because she /he might be a wacked out loser who is focused on you , gaining your wealth and trying to stalk your true life partner who she/he knew was waiting at home ! Never let your lust destroy your life like it has done with our union ! Your lack of disrespect  for me has caused you to be passed up by the most high   you pasted on your destiny with me and now I'm passing you up to have you replaced by the most high who will put in my life a partner who is committed to excellence integrity and faithfulness 

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