When a lie is spread about you behind your back ,..

 So  apparently my friends family and a loved one all gathered together behind my back  ! And what they did was such an astonishing criminal act? that they are all facing arrest -

You see it's not hard to find out who is against you , you simply have to suddenly do better than them or in my case make an attempt to bring yourself out of poverty - What is sad is that these people felt ok when they could openly speak about my financial setbacks or something close to an all out as "witch-hunt" where they were all Members of a coven or perhaps had hoped to be granted access to join after being able to come after me and attempt to do .... The world will never know because not only were they defeated but they could all be collectively  exposed for their malicious attacks against me as a earth angel - with one of them feeling as if my light was shining too bright  on his dark soul-less shell ,being able to see through the lies and the attempts to due multiple crimes and then try and blame them on me - even though I would never ever be a member of a group of dark soul-less entities ,(we'll just call them demons ) who practice witchcraft to negatively affect another person's life -  In this case unfortunately it was me who they all decided to first go to court and while under oath told lies and made false statements about me , claiming that I was doing things that I was not doing or into things that I was not into . And the saddest thing is that all of this took place behind my back and I got not notice of it so that I could have exercised my right ti due- process and face my accuser's ( or in tgis case my false accusers ) and as if all if this wasn't enough one if them hooked up with my man behind my back trying  to cause me heartbreak I guess ?  But what happened next is that they had to cover this sin of adultery has been committed , so this is when more lies started to come  out basically  telling on themselves    , so if they said that I was cheating or having sexual relations with others , I wasn't but they were . And if they claimed that they were paying my bills , they were not , in fact most times it was me who was paying the bills and they were usually coming back broke with excuses as for why they could not help me with the bills . And for the record I am not a woman who parties or goes to the clubs or the bars and I have never been one to beg for a mans attention or his affection . 

I find a man who can not resist the flirtation of another female (other than his current life partner) and will lay with any woman or even multiple women at the same time  cuz that's what's makes him feel manly ? But I find it to be the most disgusting kind of man as he lacks self control and morals  a man who feels like he's a Porn star and yet will come back and swear that he hasn't been with anyone other than myself but if I were to find out that he had children under the age of (lets say 21 years ) then he  would in fact be a liar - and probably would also be the type to pay a woman ( we call them prostitute's ) for sex but would not even use protection ?  Who does this type of reckless behavior ? The same type of person who would also tell lies about me being a woman who sleeps around with multiple people when in fact it was actually him who was into that type of reckless behavior as I have a sense of respect for myself as well as for the man that I am committed to and I am not willing to be the one to break the bond that comes through sexual interactions between two consenting adults .  So apparently I will now see and be a first hand witness to all of the lies that have been told behind my back and I actually look forward to staring them all right in their faces as they attempt to wiggle their way out of all of the lies and sins that have been told and done to cover up what was already going on behind my back  which was engaging in lust-filled sexual acts with a person who really has been doing witchcraft on him to turn him into a man with  a sex addiction hoping to turn him into her sex slave ! Which is an abomination and a violation of my union to the that man and if they think they can hide behind a so called marriage ? I have to ask  , when did he give me a notice that our so called marriage had ended ? So that this other relationship could have actually been allowed to be a marriage but let's admit it this is a big scam for money and assets because there were  also criminal acts done in court so that  they could gain access to my funds or gifts left by my loved one which were in fact left for me but they had discovered it and then devised a plot to deceive the courts into believing that a false person was me and that the funds should be given to him as he claimed to be my power of attorney?  And now they are stuck like Chuck with all their illicit acts coming out publicly and so it all shall end with the truth the whole truth coming out and I for one am ready to hear it all , sure I will be shocked I'm sure and would rather have had him come to me like a man of God is supposed to but wait , a man of God would never have been in anything like all of this so perhaps he was under the control of spell work or mind control ?  Time will tell but know this all you broke females trying to come up off of my hard work and pain and suffering , you came for the wrong woman when you decided to come for me , somebody should have told you , but since they didn't , I'll just have to show you myself, and I am a tough one I eat tougher steak  for breakfast than all of you !  I'll see you all in court - and make sure to kiss your families goodbye before you go to court 💋 ok   

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